Thursday, September 13, 2007

SHARCs at it again

According to today's Eureka Reporter Eureka City Councilman Larry Glass is going to file charges against Rob Arkley for their little spat at the Warfinger. Evidently being angry and actually shoving someone who's done dirt to your family and is in your face is prime political meat for the small minds that run Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee.

As many of you may remember, I once tried to breach the SHARC takeover of the HCDCC by drawing attention to the direct connection between Local Solutions and HCDCC, the sharing of the same building, the sharing of the same head officers, which meant HCDCC was in the hands of a paid political lobbyist group and still is as far as I can tell.

I call them "SHARCs" and that stands for SoHum/Arcata activists who try to control everything political in Humboldt County. They don't have the majority's interests in mind, certainly not the majority of Democrats in Humboldt County yet they "own" HCDCC because they are very well organized and quite able to mount political campaigns positive sometimes but viciously negative at all times against anyone who dares buck the SHARC political agenda of closing down as much of Humboldt County to free enterprise as they can.

SHARCs can't stand freedom or initiative that does not tow the politically correct anti-corporate party line. SHARCs will try to destroy anyone who stands up to their big-city political tactics of smearing the bejesus out of their opponents, using slander and dirty tricks just like Glass is pulling now and Salzman pulled before, it's the mark of people who care not a whit about community but only about their own political ambitions.

SHARCs swim in the Green sea that connects Southern Humboldt pot-grower supported radical activist organizations with the ever present abundance of naive but concerned college young people at HSU and CR. This alliance produces the endless community political wars that keep Humboldt County from ever really uniting and moving forward as a team effort.

I don't know about you but I don't like being bitten by SHARCs. They're a menace to individual and community life.

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