Tuesday, September 18, 2007

HCDCC to endorse Bush's call for war with Iran

SLNews Service
September 18th, 2007

In a move sure to surprise many long term liberal Democrats, the HCDCC, after giving Pat Higgins their Progressive anti-Arkley mantel of righteousness, decided Monday in another closed door session on the full moon to completely abandon any humanitarian or democratic considerations from other liberal Democrats voicing opposition to Bush's wars. The HCDCC now has joined the local Zionist Khazar Kult Krazies lobby in their support of President Bush's call for war with Iran.

Realizing that the Zionist goal for Israel's complete hegemony in the Near East coupled with permanent ties to the country they control, America, is in jeopardy because of the failure of the war in Iraq, Zionists are now working extra hard to sell a greater American-led war in the Middle East with Muslims, this time with Iran, which of course is another Muslim enemy nation of Israel.

Right now Zionists have captured France with their Khazar Kult voice, Bernard Kouchner, speaking up strongly for war with Iran. In America Hillary and Obama are silent on Iran knowing that if they oppose the Zionist agenda they can be brought down as easily as Bill Clinton was with the young Khazar Kult temptress.

We will never know what sorts of economic pressures have been applied to governments daring to think rationally about Islam and Islamic nations, oil and human rights. But we do know what sorts of pressures are being applied here in Humboldt County by Zionists KKK to turn what has been consistently a peace-oriented political organization in Humboldt County since the Vietnam War into another soap-box and platform to sell the Zionist war with Middle East enemies of Israel.

On Humboldt County's most popular political blog site which Zionists have captured lock, stock and barrel, Eric the liberal lawyer and grand shill for the local Zionist con game, promotes war with Iran in the fine print of his double-think postings.

And with Eric, the SoHum Parlance Zionists sales team, Zionons and anti-Muslim, pro-Israel Andy Stunich, are given as much space as they need to sell local Progressives on war with Iran.

And another pin in the Zionist Khazar Kult Krazies map is placed securing another intellectual venue in order to guide any community debate away from rational conclusions about starting another war in the Middle East and who will pay for it and who will die for it.

Resist the Khazar Kult!

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