Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hypocrites in action

"Iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow," said Mr Obama, He added that Iran was endangering the global non-proliferation regime and threatening the stability and security of the world."

Is this a joke of Obama? Iran is a member state of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and has complied with all inspection demands. Israel refuses to be a member and will not allow international inspections. Iran has not invaded any country while Israel has invaded several and is threatening to do so again. Israel continually breaks international laws with its illegal settlement building. Israel's army is documented as committing crimes against humanity. Yet we see the Big Bullies trying to smear Iran's reputation continually and bully Iran into submission to the desires of the Big Bullies to keep Iran from power, literally.

Please remember what Iran just announced as Obama and Zionists blitz to paint Iran evil. Look at the Afghan terrorist in custody to see how they go about priming Americans to associate Iran and Islam with terrorism.

"Iran's nuclear chief confirms that the newly-announced under-construction uranium enrichment facility will be in full compliance with the country's treaty obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Iran declared the construction of a new small uranium enrichment facility to the United Nations nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), on September 21.

"In line with the preservation and enjoyment of its obvious rights to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, in a new and successful step, the Islamic Republic of Iran has moved to construct a semi-industrial-scale plant for the enrichment of nuclear fuel," the director of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization said in a statement on Friday, Mehr News Agency reported."

Obama sure is a big disappointment so far in his inability to get out from under the puppet/master relationship of Israel and Zionists. One has to wonder what sorts of political and economic pressure Zionists with their world banking ties have brought to bear on Western nations to get them to support such obviously hypocritical actions against Iran.

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