Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Gazan children ..

أطفال غزة.. بأي ذنب قتلوا؟

Gazan children .. Killed in which guilt?
الطفلة هيا حمدان (4 سنوات) توارى الثرى بعد قصف إسرائيلي للعربة التي كانت تستقلها مع شقيقتها لما ذات التسعة أعوام )
haya Hamdan girl (4 years) went to rest after the Israeli bombardment of the vehicle in which she was riding with her sister for the same nine years)

لما حمدان (9 سنوات) لم تكن تحمل بندقية أو حجرا عندما قتلها صاروخ إسرائيلي في بيت حانون)
lama Hamdan (9 years) were not carrying a rifle or a stone when she murdered whith an Israeli missile in Beit Hanoun
شقيقتا هيا ولما ودعاتهما بالدموع والحيرة بأي ذنب قتلت شقيقتيهما
haya and lama`s sisters when they let there whith tears and confused .. in wich fault their sisters killed
آلة الحرب الإسرائيلية حكمت على أطفال غزة أن يذرفوا مبكرا دموع الحزن ويتذوقوا مرارة
Israeli war machine Ruled that the children of Gaza to Ivrvo early the tears of grief and bitterness of hunger and disease

الطفلتان لمى وهيا حمدان هل حملتا السلاح أثناء ركوبهما عربة حمار لكي تستهدفهما صواريخ الاحتلال؟ ()
haya and Luma Hamdan girls, May they took up arms during they raiding a donkey cart ??? to killed by the missiles of occupation?
هناك أطفال لم يموتوا ولكنهم يقاسون مبكرا آلاما لا علاقة لها بالطفولة والبراءة )
There are children did not die, but they are suffering pain earlier had nothing to do with childhood and innocence
الطفلة دينا بعلوشة قتلت مع أخواتها الأربع في قصف استهدف منزل ذويها في بيت لاهيا شمال غزة )
chiled dina Balousha, killed along with four sisters in the bombing targeted the home of their relatives in Beit Lahia in northern Gaza

حتى الأطفال في الضفة الغربية الذين عبروا عن غضبهم الطفولي عاجلتهم آلة الاحتلال بالقتل )
Even the children in the West Bank who have expressed anger the occupation machine Rushed them whith infantile death ..

هذا الرجل الذي فقد بناته الخمس لم يكن مقاتلا لإسرائيل كي يتعرض منزله للقصف )
This man, who lost five of his daughters was not a fighter Against Israel to bomb his home ..

أقارب طفلة فلسطينية يستعدون لدفنها بعد انتشالها من أنقاض بيتها المدمر (
Palestinian girl's relatives were preparing for burial her , after picking her up from the ruins of her destroyed home ..

قريب الطفلة دينا بعلوشة يشهد العالم على فظاعة جريمة قتل الأطفال )
dina Balousha chiled`s relativies : the world recently witnessed the horror of murdering children

الطفل يحي الحايك تحت الركام .. فهل كان مقاتلا )
Yahya Al-Hayek, a child under the rubble .. was he a fighter??

جدة الطفل يحي الحايك تتعرف عليه بعد انتشاله من تحت الركام )
Yahya alhayek`s grandmom identify her child after they carry him from under the rubble..
شاب فلسطيني يحمل طفلا لفظ أنفاسه قبل أن يصل ألى المسشفى )
Palestinian youth carrying a child died before reaching hospital
رسالة الى كل انسان لديه ولو ذرّة من الانسانية
نحن في فلسطين نذبح ونقتل اطفال ونساء وشيوخ
بأي ذنب اخبرونا
الى متى نبقى تحت هذا الاحتلال
الى متى يبقى العالم اسير الغش والخداع الاسرائيلي اللذي يتظاهر بانه مظلوم
كفى استيقظوا وانظروا باعينكم
تعرفون الحقيقة .. نحن بانتظاركم وبانتظار تحرككم لدعمنا ودعم صمودنا ارج
ان يكون معنى هذه الرسالة واضحا لكم
وان لم تفهم معناها فللأسف الشديد لقد ماتت الانسانية في داخلك
واحلاما سعيدة لاطفالكم السالمون
A letter to each person have even a grain of humanity
We are in Palestine, slaughter and kill women children and elderly
till us of any fault ???
How long we will remain under the occupation ??
How long will the world remain a prisoner of Israeli`s fraud and deceit rendered pretend that they are
Innocents and under oppression ..
Enough and Wake up.. with your own eyes see the true ..
You know the truth .. We are waiting and waiting your waking steadfastness and support ..
I hope the meaning of my message is clear to you
if you did not understand its meaning, unfortunantly humanitarian has died inside you ..
happy dreams to your safe childes
صوت فلسطين المهجّر
diaspora Voice of Palestine

ملاحظة:رجاءا اذا لم تستطع مساعدتنا والوقوف بجانبنا ضد هذا الظلم

فما زال هناك ما تستطيع ان تقدمه لنا

فقط ساهم معنا بنشر هذه الرسالة وانشر قضيتنا
اخرج صوتك المكتوم من مكانه

قف واصرخ كفى للظلم
كفى للظلم


Please if you can not stand by us and help us against this injustice ..
There is still what you can offer to us
only help us to disseminate this message
and our cause Spread
Get out of your shutted voice ..stop and scream
Enough to injustice
Enough of injustice

Thank you for you continued support,

Iyad Burnat- Head of Popular Commitee in Bilin
Head of Friends of Freedom and Justice in Bilin

Email- ffj.bilin@yahoo.com
Mobile- (00972) (0) 547847942
Office- (00972) (2) 2489129
(00972) (2) 2489129



Rose said...


Rose said...

It would help if the Palestinians stopped putting the women and children out in front of the soldiers, Stephen.

It would help if they didn't hide in hospitals.

It would END if they stopped bombing Israel.

Steve Lewis said...

Rose, please LEARN the truth about Palestinians and stop siding with evil people who kill innocents in their way.

Please talk with Jack and Rose and learn once and for all that Palestinians consider Israel and Israelis as foreign invaders and occupiers of their land as well they should. Israel was established by a brand-new U.N. that was fully under the political control of the Big Five nations after WW II. Truman pushed through the plan for establishing Israel by U.N. fiat and it was all done by the Big Five powers without ONE SINGLE Palestinian representing Palestinians. Not one! Are you beginning to get it now? Why Palestinians never accepted nor the surrounding Arab nations at first this kangeroo court U.N. resolution to partition Palestine and give more than half the country away to Europeans essentially? That is why Arabs reacted with war with Israel right off the bat and why Palestinians continue that war of resistance against the foreign invaders.

"Never give up!" is Sami Awad's slogan and he's a Palestinian Christian non-violence leader so you should be able to imagine what the majority of Palestinians feel about Israel. Hamas was created by Israel because Hamas is the face of Palestinian resistance, freedom fighters, and that is why, coupled with "Never give up", the ONLY lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is for Israel to allow Palestinians their majority rule, to allow democracy to rule in other words. Israelis can't do that because they know it would spell the end of Israel as it should. Majority rule. Democracy. Sovereignty.

You and all brain-washed Americans want the victims of foreign invasion to succumb to brute force and lie down and have their national aspiration die with them. It ain't going to happen. Look at the Vietnamese to see a similar mindset that will "Never give up!"

Once you understand Palestinians will never give up their fight for the return of their rightful land and their majority rule, it is then the moral responsibility of the foreign colony to give up so that lives will be spared. Brute force is not going to kill the Palestinian spirit of resistance. It will just make more Hamas.

So tell Israel to stop aggression against what's left of Palestinian society and land and start learning how to cooperate with the people who live in the land they are very new to. This is not the 1800's anymore, Rose, and the Natives are far more sophisticated and backed by a sea of like-minded nations. Look at South Africaaners and white Rhodesia for a comparative situation to Israel Zionists.

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Prophesy bearer for four religious traditions, revealer of Christ's Sword, revealer of Josephine bearing the Spirit of Christ, revealer of the identity of God, revealer of the Celestial Torah astro-theological code within the Bible. Celestial Torah Christian Theologian, Climax Civilization theorist and activist, Eco-Village Organizer, Master Psychedelic Artist, Inventor of the Next Big Thing in wearable tech, and always your Prophet-At-Large.