Thursday, January 18, 2007

Praise for Carlson Electronics move to Arcata?

The Carlson move to Arcata just shows again how SoHum, even with excess capital probably more so than any other such rural community in the U.S., has no local community consciousness when it comes to economic self-sufficiency. Spend the money on buying more land for growing more pot, (more sales for r.e. and more work for lawyers), or spend it on suv's, trips to Bali, anything but plow it back into the SoHum community. Why do SoHum activists continue to turn a blind eye towards their huge hypocrisy of using pot growers for funding their orgs but no saying a word against the continuing selfishness of pot growers, most of who's incomes vastly exceed their clients in the cities and schools? Because they do not want to bite the hand that feeds them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a courageous position. Pot Growers are the single most corrupt influence in our county. Indeed, this could be a rich county, with great schools, roads and medical facilities, if growers paid their fair share--or ANY share--of taxes.

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