I am posting Mazim Qimsiyeh's request for supportive signatures here in his Amazon
dispute that demonstrates how Zionists do their thing:
1) Wolf Blitzer worked for the Israel lobby before he worked for CNN.
2) Action: boycott Amazon
3) Question/commentary: How much will big oil companies pillage from Iraq??
(I could use some help in the math!)
1) Wolf Blitzer worked for the Israel lobby before he worked for CNN. Here
is a video of him advocating Israeli perspecives on a Panel with Norman
Finkelstein before he became CNN employee
2) Action: (I wrote to Jeff Bezos and a Jesse Jensen, executive customer
relations ecr@amazon.com responded that they are keepingv the review. I
wrote back saying Amazon lost a good customer and that I am informing my
listserve. I also bought four copies of Carter’s book at Costco- MQ). FWD
from Henry Norr: For several weeks now Amazon.com has been running the full,
1636-word text of a totally negative review of Jimmy Carter's "Palestine:
Peace Not Apartheid" on the page where it sells the book
Because this is totally out of line with their normal format and in
contradiction to their self-interest in selling copies, and because their
CEO, Jeff Bezos, has flatly turned down requests from me and other customers
for more balanced treatment of the book, it seems clear that this is either
a deliberate political statement on the part of Amazon's leaders or an
abject concession to pressure from Zionist zealots. Whatever you think of
the Carter book, its publication is an important event, and it's
unacceptable for Amazon to be trying to discourage sales of it.
Since the letters didn't work, I've created an online petition protesting
what Amazon is doing and threatening to cancel my account there. It's at
http://www.petitiononline.com/Amazon07/petition.html . I hope you'll not
only check it out and sign it, but also pass along copies of this message or
one of your own to friends and family and to all possible e-mail lists.
If you agree that Amazon is out of line on this, but you're uncomfortable
with anything in the petition, or you're not willing to pledge to close your
account, or you don't have an account to begin with, you can send your own
message directly to Bezos at jeff@amazon.com.
In fact, even if you do sign the petition, it wouldn't hurt to send him
e-mail in addition.
Most important, though, is to spread the word to as many people as possible.
How much money will big oil companies make in Iraq, how much money and blood
will US citizens lose?
Can those with economic background or research skills give me a better
picture of this issue. These are my rough calculations based on bits and
pieces of information on oil production costs, royalties etc.
According to a study by Prof R. Dobie Langenkamp (Director, National
Energy-Environment Law and Policy Institute University of Tulsa College of
“Iraq has reserves of at least 112 billion barrels. The significance of this
number is often overlooked. Imagine all the oil reserves in the U.S., the
North Sea, China, the Caspian Sea, and West Africa all combined under one
jurisdiction. This oil is not to be found under high seas in 1,000 feet of
water or more, in arctic snows, in equatorial jungles or in third world
conditions where men and material must be brought in from great distances.
Iraq’s oil is on land in a flat, temperate, geographically compact area and
at a depth which is commonly drilled without difficulty. Iraq is not a
third world country and possesses considerable experience and skill in
petroleum development.”(www.beg.utexas.edu/energyecon/documents/
Iraqi oil production costs are the lowest anywhere but of course do not
include security because that is picked up not by the oil companies but by
US taxpayer funded; as one retired general put it, the US army has become
corporate mercenaries paid by tax payers. So far we have spent $400 billion
for securing Iraq and that is not counting billions more separate issues.
Projects like the separately funded $600 million US “embassy”: a large US
city that will serve to house all the 8000 imperial employees of the US who
will use it as a base not just to control/manage Iraq but be the epicenter
of US power in West Asia. The cost of production in Iraq for oil companies
is estimated at $1/barrel. But even if one doubles that to $2 and the
current price of Iraq crude on the market is $52-60/barrel, this means that
at a minimum there are $50 per barrel profit. It is not clear where this
money has gone in the past nearly four years (roughly $150 billion in
profit, perhaps congress will find the guts to investigate?) but I am more
interested in a forward looking projections/understanding.
The draft oil bill pushed by the US (and mentioned in Bush’s speech) offers
Big oil companies production rights for 20 years at a mere 12.5% royalties
to the Iraqi government
http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1576593,00.html) . The delay
in approval is not about whether to accept the 12.5% (this was not
negotiable) but about how to divvy up the 12.5% among the provinces (as Bush
clearly pointed out)! The US imposed that number of 12.5% based on deep see
royalties on US oil companies in the Gulf of Mexico but this is a rip-off
1) Deep see drilling costs about 20 times higher than surface drilling
2) American and British oil companies pay significant local tax and incur
significant other expenses (e.g.; on environmental issues0 that they do not
have to do in Iraq.
3) US law promotes sharing of US natural resources with US companies not
foreign companies.
OK so this leaves the oil companies with roughly $44/per barrel. But what
about exploration costs you say: well much of Iraq oil is located in well
designated and discovered areas and close to the surface, the cost would be
minimal. But even if it triples the cost to $3 , that would still leave
$43/barrel profit. OK say $40 to account for the $100-500 million executive
pays of these companies/administration etc. At a minimum of 3 million
barrels per day production, this is $120 million per day profit or $43,800
million per year or $876 billion for the 20 years at a minimum (if no new
field development happens). But this is assuming production remains as is.
Iraq actually has reserves estimated at 120-300 billion barrels. Taking an
intermediate/low level of 150 billion barrels and an extraction rate of
2/3rd means roughly 100 billion barrels total x $44/barrel profit, that
means $4.4 TRILLION. The bottom line is that it appears the Big oil
companies are about to make between $1 to $4.4 trillion over the next 20
years if Bush succeeds in his plan (he says “win in Iraq”). If he fails,
that money could be used for the Iraqi people AND the security for oil
company profits would Corporate greed would not be watered by US and Iraqi
blood and fertilized by our taxes. For those with backgrounds or research
skills, I would love to have more information or corrections to this
guestimation of the oil loot. Email me.
Addendeum: the following link a brief history of Iraq oil policy under the
leadership of Kassem before CIA asset Saddam Hussain tried to assainate hjm
and later Baath party with Saddam being key succeded in ousting him.
Mazin Qumsiyeh
Sunday, January 14, 2007
How Zionist's are trying to kill Jimmy Carter's book
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i recommend nude strike at israeli consulate. i think it's effective.
From Mazim Qimsiyeh:
Follow-up to earlier action alert about Amazon's poor treatment of
Carter's book: Thanks to the hundreds of you who wrote and those who copied
me on the letters to Amazon. Other recipients of my email said they could
not find the negative Washington Post/Goldberg review displayed prominently
in the front. But you can go to Amazon.com and search Jimmy Carter and it
will take you to its page. There you would actually have to scroll through
it to get to customer reviews which I agree were good. Other readers said
that Amazon has allowed good customer reviews and so it is OK if they
included Goldberg's malicious review. But this is simply not how Amazon
treats other books. In fact to my knowledge there is simply no book in
Amazon's top 100 sellers that is treated like Carter's (with a negative long
review before customer reviews). Take for example Thomas Friedman's stupid
book in defense of corporate globalization "The World is Flat" and see how
it is displayed with no negative editorial reviews. In fact, Amazon sells
Hitler's Mein Kempf, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and other books
like that without treating them in as shabby a way they treated Carter's
book (ie. no lengthy 1600 word negative reviews in the section for editorial
reviews)! BTW, the reviewer (Goldberg) was a guard at the infamous Ketziot
prison (in this video about political prisoners in Israeli jails their is
quite a chilling anecdote about Ketziot: "Captured Prisoners,"
http://www.ifamericansknew.org/stats/cap-pris.html). Anyway I know I will
buy my future books at local booksellers and when I have to do it over the
internet, I will use the unionized bookstore Powells. If you enter through
the union portal, a percent supports the union there:
On a related matter, Carter has agreed to speak at Brandeis University
January 23rd and take questions after the University agreed that it would
not be a debate with Racist pundit Alan Dershowitz (who called for
destroying whole villages and supports torture and racial profiling).
Dershowitz will be in the audience and will have a chance to ask a question.
I would like those who can go to simply mention in public "Why does
Dershowitz have the Chutzpah to demand a debate with a president when
Dershowitz refuses to havea public debate with Professor Norman
Finkelstein?" Also ask Carter why he thinks Israel has apartheid only in the
occupied areas when it clearly has discriminatory laws and segregated
schools inside Israel. 62 unrecognized Palestinian villages inside the
Green line, 250,000 Palestinians with Israeli citizenship who are recognized
by Israeli law as "present absentees" (Christian and Muslim citizens whose
land was confiscated); see http://www.qumsiyeh.org/isisraelunique/ . Just
this week and contrary to International and Human rights laws, Israel passed
a law to revoke citizenship from "unpatriotic" Israelis
(http://www.imemc.org/article/46504)! Carter is also looking for other
invitations to Universities so if you have strings to pull, this is a good
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