Friday, November 22, 2013

Wind farm company to pay $1 million for deaths of 14 golden eagles

Washington Post: ENVIRONMENT
Friday, November 22, 5:01 PM

Wind farm to pay fine for deaths of eagles

For the first time, the Obama administration is taking action against wind farms for killing eagles.

In a settlement announced Friday, Duke Energy will pay $1 million for killing 14 golden eagles over the past three years at two Wyoming wind farms. The company says it pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The case is a first to be prosecuted under the law for a wind company.

Eagles act like texting drivers when they search for prey and slam into massive turbines. A study by federal biologists this year found that wind energy facilities in 10 states had killed at least 67 golden and bald eagles since 2008.

— Associated Press

Propeller wind generators are proven killers of birds and bats and should be replaced by flying animal-friendly wind generator designs that don't chop flying animals into pieces. The central pole with wind scoops enclosed behind screens to keep flying animals out is actually a more efficient design. Or horizontal wind scoop designs that allow building structures beneath them like old fashioned Dutch windmills only with rotating part horizontal and again with screens to keep flying animals out.

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