Censored Posts from SoHum Parlance and The Humboldt Herald
This is my latest post that Eric Kirk on his SoHum Parlance blog's discussion of his radio show with fellow Zionist and Israeli supporter, Andy Stunich, has censored. He and and his Progressive cohort, "Mitch" at the Humboldt Herald blog, another closet Zionist censoring my posts for political reasons, don't want Progressives discussing Israel or Zionism as they both censor posts like this one. (forgive the length but I explain why that is)
The fact is that Armageddon has literally come to Pauline Christianity and all three Abrahamic religions basing their doctrines on the Bible stories as spiritual authority. Megiddo is named after the Canaanite religion's Divine Assembly, the Canaanite pantheon of gods, the Canaanite name for which was translated into Greek as "Armageddon". God does work in mysterious ways.
What this Megiddo information does to Muhammad's Islam is going to be really interesting. You see, Islamic fundamentalism has to overcome Muhammad's insistence that Muslims consider Islam compatible with scientific knowledge. You will see on religious forums where Muslims post their pride in showing off Muhammad's supposed scientific knowledge forecasting future science knowledge confirmation of his ideas--mostly all wrong but that's another story. What will Muslim intellectuals do with the Megiddo news?
As a Gnostic Christian guided by direct spiritual communion and not reliance on any man-made intercessor's ideas, words, or paper and ink idols in the way between God and you. That's the Gnostic way which of course negates forming organized religions which is the real reason why Pauline Church Fathers hated the Gnostics so much and ran them out of the Roman Empire as soon as it went Christian officially.
I believe that God is using the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to bring the Abrahamic religious warfare madness to a head so as to cure it. Megiddo may be the only cure for the Abrahamic religionists taught to fight for their turfs and other's as well. If Abraham was a fiction and Moses too, Judaism has no authority at all to demand anything of anybody. Same with Pauline Christianity. And same for Muhammad's Islam. But we know religions are emotional security blankets for most people, including me, because they usually entail believing in a spiritual relationship with God that is akin to that of a member in a family. The belief in family of God is what allows Christians and Muslims to want to aid other peoples in service to God and humanity as one Family. Judaism is too selfish for this ethic and only helps others if it benefits Jews. One saw this in the Jewish support of black equality that faded away once Jewish capitalists were accepted into the Gentile capitalist world as equals. Jews will support Armenians only because that way they are promoting Jewish holocaustism being used to guilt trip and blackmail Western Gentiles into supporting Zionism. I guess while I'm being anti-Judaic, not "anti-Semitic" because you all know that I actively support real Semitic peoples and with a hint of pride I have Semitic Jewish ancestry from Tunisia and Libya. It's a minor player in my genetic Jewish ancestry that I would never ever think of using it as "proof" of roots in the Holy Land which it isn't at all being in North Africa where Tunisian Jews have been for a very long time. The whole concept of Zionism's "Right of Return" is not only completely immoral because based on religious mythology instead of historical truth, it's completely irrational and counter-ecology to boot. Imagine what would happen if other ethnic groups started claiming "Right of Return" to the countries they left for various reasons, many of which were threats to their lives. You'd have German American Mennonites rushing to Germany to free it from the unbelievers and claim it as a Mennonite homeland. Continue the absurdity with other ethnic groups and see how such an ideology would create world chaos in international relationships. Sound familiar? That's exactly what Israel is doing.
It will be an interesting future now as we enter the Aquarian Age which was synchronized globally for the first time as beginning at the end of the Mayan Calendar, the Mayans keeping the best track of the ancient Precession of the Equinoxes Zodiac systems. The Collective Unconscious will override material world sidereal astronomy that some astrologers are trying to copy. The Christ Aquarian Revolution has started, btw. Just ask Paul Encimer, my fellow Aquarian activist. Don't ask Darryl. He's never felt the Spirit of Christ (not talking about organized Christian religion here) and has mocked Christianity in his E.F! demonstrations. Paul and I are starting the Christ Aquarian Revolution as an Aquarian Hundreth Monkey type of thing, passing the new Celestial Torah Christianity information to all Aquarians we know or meet. Met one yesterday through my sister and he too feels the Spirit and lives in Philadelphia and so the chain reaction is spreading. The whole Messiah-Christ-Anointed One religious concept is far older than Christianity or Judaism it turns out and is astrologically based as are the roots of almost all major religions, the Abrahamic ones denying it because the Jewish priesthoods living in tents and mud brick hovels couldn't compete as astrologers with the pagan civilizations and their monumental astrolab computer systems. That's the real reason the Abrahamic insistence on the "Word of God" where priesthoods could manipulate those "Words of God" and control interpretation of it and thereby rule the people.
Ok, I've run out of steam. Just have to get these posts in when I can because Eric and Mitch are censoring me every day.
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