You have to admit, Mr. Stunich, the history of Christianity is far worse than anything Muslims have achieved in the way of dead body counts, nations and communities utterly destroyed by Christians in action acting in many instances on the Pauline Christian beliefs. So where the hell is your ability to grasp equality in bad religion?
If Christianity as is, held the spiritual answer to human woes and led human beings into becoming humane beings which is God's Plan, the world would have seen it manifested someplace on earth. Where is it? Where is the Christian utopia? Heaven, that's where Pauline Christianity placed it and didn't really give a damn about placing it on earth. It was enough for Pauline Christians to be "saved", i.e., they get to escape earthly disaster and flee to heaven where it's everything earth should be. Pauline Christianity in this modern Gnostic Christian's opinion is among the selfish religions in which the individual's salvation is the most important thing in the world. Most people outside bible scholars have little idea there has always been another major Christian religion that because it truly does aim at individual salvation through direct spiritual experience of God instead of vicarious experience of God through swearing allegiance to ancient men's Word(s) of God, the pathway of those who need a Group Mindset in order to have the courage to believe in God and follow God's guidance.
Andy, because you follow Pauline Christian doctrines, you are mesmerized by Paul's words and don't see that Paul utterly ruined Christianity that the world knows with his commandment to Christian believers to obey their governments or be condemned to hell. Here's one of the places Paul does this:
"Let every soul (not just person but soul) be subject unto the higher powers (Archons). For there is no power but God: the powers that be are ordained of God. '
Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinances of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. " Romans 13: 1,2.
Paul's words above have allowed every ruthlessly ambitious evil tyrant destroyer in emperor, Pope, king, queen, presidential form call himself "Christian" and send off gullible Pauline Christians, the vast majority calling themselves "Christians", unlike real Christians who follow the teachings of Jesus and not Paul, off to kill whoever the Archon points them at lusting for whatever piece of territory and its wealth the Archon wants to possess. And the bloody history of Pauline Christians in action shows exactly why Pauline Christianity is not the anwser and never was to creating peace, love, and harmony, i.e. real Jesus style Christian eutopia where good prevails over evil.
Andy, like Zionism and its parent racist religion, Judaism, (yes, Andy, Judaism is a racist religion that is so because it bases it's ideology on a blanket hatred of everyone not Jewish. This blanket hatred goes unchecked in the West because of Pauline Christianity's switcheroo that once hated Jews to now using Jews to propel Pauline Christian ideas of the Second Coming being triggered by world war with a new Israel. And Zionist Jews use these types of Christians as well to soak them for all the money they can get to build and arm Israel to the teeth in order to carry out Judaism's ancient racist goal: get rid of all non-Jews in the Holy Land. The Israelis use their orthodoox Jewish settlers as the Jewish racist frontlines in their steady land grab of all of Palestine. A "For Jews Only" settlement policy pushing out Gentile Arab Palestinians shows the racist core of Judaism in action. Because Paul tied Pauline Christians back to the Jewish religion, claiming Christianity was like a branch on the vine of Judaism, Jewish racism in Israel gets a pass like you give it a pass. But I don't. I follow the teachings of Jesus, not those of Paul.
And I am a Celestial Torah Christian, a modern form of Gnostic Christianity, and not a Pauline Christian, so when the Armageddon/Megiddo news hits you that destroys the Jewish Torah as spiritual authority that Paul bases his Christianity on, my Christian beliefs won't suffer the End Times fate of all Abrahamic religions including Pauline Christianity. Oh yes, God does embed prophesy in Scriptures but if they come true at all, they come true in ways believers never expect.
Armageddon has truly come and anyone of intelligence who see the video The Bible Unearthed showing the findings and conclusions of Israeli archeology at Megiddo, ("named after the Canaanite Divine Assembly pantheon which was translated into Greek as "Armageddon") and realizes its inevitable consequences for the Zionist "Right of Return" claims based on an ancient Jewish millennia old presence in the Holy Land that never existed and all the Bible foundational stories complete fables. There is no spiritual authority to be derived from liars and their lies, Andy.
Check out Celestial Torah Christianity, Andy and all interested in how Christianity changes to be guidance in the New Age as the Pauline Christian path is doomed to the End Times fate of all Abrahamic religions.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Another needed exposure of local Zionist censorship
Censored Posts from SoHum Parlance and The Humboldt Herald
This is my latest post that Eric Kirk on his SoHum Parlance blog's discussion of his radio show with fellow Zionist and Israeli supporter, Andy Stunich, has censored. He and and his Progressive cohort, "Mitch" at the Humboldt Herald blog, another closet Zionist censoring my posts for political reasons, don't want Progressives discussing Israel or Zionism as they both censor posts like this one. (forgive the length but I explain why that is)
The fact is that Armageddon has literally come to Pauline Christianity and all three Abrahamic religions basing their doctrines on the Bible stories as spiritual authority. Megiddo is named after the Canaanite religion's Divine Assembly, the Canaanite pantheon of gods, the Canaanite name for which was translated into Greek as "Armageddon". God does work in mysterious ways.
What this Megiddo information does to Muhammad's Islam is going to be really interesting. You see, Islamic fundamentalism has to overcome Muhammad's insistence that Muslims consider Islam compatible with scientific knowledge. You will see on religious forums where Muslims post their pride in showing off Muhammad's supposed scientific knowledge forecasting future science knowledge confirmation of his ideas--mostly all wrong but that's another story. What will Muslim intellectuals do with the Megiddo news?
As a Gnostic Christian guided by direct spiritual communion and not reliance on any man-made intercessor's ideas, words, or paper and ink idols in the way between God and you. That's the Gnostic way which of course negates forming organized religions which is the real reason why Pauline Church Fathers hated the Gnostics so much and ran them out of the Roman Empire as soon as it went Christian officially.
I believe that God is using the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to bring the Abrahamic religious warfare madness to a head so as to cure it. Megiddo may be the only cure for the Abrahamic religionists taught to fight for their turfs and other's as well. If Abraham was a fiction and Moses too, Judaism has no authority at all to demand anything of anybody. Same with Pauline Christianity. And same for Muhammad's Islam. But we know religions are emotional security blankets for most people, including me, because they usually entail believing in a spiritual relationship with God that is akin to that of a member in a family. The belief in family of God is what allows Christians and Muslims to want to aid other peoples in service to God and humanity as one Family. Judaism is too selfish for this ethic and only helps others if it benefits Jews. One saw this in the Jewish support of black equality that faded away once Jewish capitalists were accepted into the Gentile capitalist world as equals. Jews will support Armenians only because that way they are promoting Jewish holocaustism being used to guilt trip and blackmail Western Gentiles into supporting Zionism. I guess while I'm being anti-Judaic, not "anti-Semitic" because you all know that I actively support real Semitic peoples and with a hint of pride I have Semitic Jewish ancestry from Tunisia and Libya. It's a minor player in my genetic Jewish ancestry that I would never ever think of using it as "proof" of roots in the Holy Land which it isn't at all being in North Africa where Tunisian Jews have been for a very long time. The whole concept of Zionism's "Right of Return" is not only completely immoral because based on religious mythology instead of historical truth, it's completely irrational and counter-ecology to boot. Imagine what would happen if other ethnic groups started claiming "Right of Return" to the countries they left for various reasons, many of which were threats to their lives. You'd have German American Mennonites rushing to Germany to free it from the unbelievers and claim it as a Mennonite homeland. Continue the absurdity with other ethnic groups and see how such an ideology would create world chaos in international relationships. Sound familiar? That's exactly what Israel is doing.
It will be an interesting future now as we enter the Aquarian Age which was synchronized globally for the first time as beginning at the end of the Mayan Calendar, the Mayans keeping the best track of the ancient Precession of the Equinoxes Zodiac systems. The Collective Unconscious will override material world sidereal astronomy that some astrologers are trying to copy. The Christ Aquarian Revolution has started, btw. Just ask Paul Encimer, my fellow Aquarian activist. Don't ask Darryl. He's never felt the Spirit of Christ (not talking about organized Christian religion here) and has mocked Christianity in his E.F! demonstrations. Paul and I are starting the Christ Aquarian Revolution as an Aquarian Hundreth Monkey type of thing, passing the new Celestial Torah Christianity information to all Aquarians we know or meet. Met one yesterday through my sister and he too feels the Spirit and lives in Philadelphia and so the chain reaction is spreading. The whole Messiah-Christ-Anointed One religious concept is far older than Christianity or Judaism it turns out and is astrologically based as are the roots of almost all major religions, the Abrahamic ones denying it because the Jewish priesthoods living in tents and mud brick hovels couldn't compete as astrologers with the pagan civilizations and their monumental astrolab computer systems. That's the real reason the Abrahamic insistence on the "Word of God" where priesthoods could manipulate those "Words of God" and control interpretation of it and thereby rule the people.
Ok, I've run out of steam. Just have to get these posts in when I can because Eric and Mitch are censoring me every day.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
The Journey of EL and
from ancient Canaan to modern times
Long ago in a land called
Canaan the people there worshipped EL, God Most High, and His wife, Asherah,
the Great Mother and Lady of the Sea. On earth they were said to have lived
where two rivers met on the coastlands. They were happy on earth and the
land EL had fashioned and Asherah had nurtured. They had many children who
squabbled amongst themselves competing for EL and Asherah’s attention and
These children behaved
themselves for the most part but these were also ancient times and the law
of the jungle and desert was still fresh in everyone’s mind. That is
everyone but Mom and Dad, or Asherah and EL who being the highest
representatives of the invisible Holy One, knew better ways of dealing with
the problems of life in Creation.
EL had watched how His
wild and domesticated animals behaved in their herds, flocks and packs and
noticed most human beings followed much the same patterns only human beings
clothed their animal behavior patterns so it seemed at first something
different. But it wasn’t different at all. EL watched male wolves battle for
control of the pack and saw the same thing in the way aggressive human males
conducted politics and war.
EL watched but didn’t
judge because that was what animal life was like without knowledge of good
and evil. Tooth and claw and no mercy from the strong for the weak or meek.
EL wisely understood that this animal way could not continue with humanity
that He had created with Asherah of the waters for He and She wanted human
beings to evolve to become one with them on earth as it is in heaven where
They came from.
EL decided to educate
humanity on how to overcome their animal natures so that peace and not
violence ruled in human society. He told them through the mouths of seers
and prophets, "Here is what pleases US. This physical world We have
fashioned for the education of your souls has a fatal flaw. Physical life is
dependent on death to carry on. No new life is created without the death of
life somewhere else. The physical requirements for maintaining the living
require the death of other living beings.
Given the true situation
that death and suffering are inevitable in Creation, what can be done? EL
responded and set in motion a set of guidelines for reducing unnecessary
violence in the physical world. Later on He offered humanity what only a God
can offer: eternal life after physical death, eternal life in heaven where
the Holy One has Its spiritual and everlasting home.
EL began the spiritual
education of His children in Canaan. He showed them that in order for there
to be peace in the land society must be governed by the wise and
compassionate just as He ruled the Divine Assembly of gods and goddesses
with wisdom and compassion. An earthly king would become His son in spirit
when that earthly king mirrored EL’s mercy and forgiveness and taught his
subjects the truth about all things that effected human relationships with
one another and with the community of life on earth.
Because EL was God Most
High yet did not act like a tyrant like gods did who lacked compassion and
wisdom, the Canaanites loved EL, calling Him the Compassionate One, the
Merciful One, the Kindly One as well as the Father of Humanity. And the
Canaanites loved His wife, Asherah, just as much devoting much prayer at
shrines dedicated to Her worship. To them She was the Tree of Life on which
all life was dependent.
too held wisdom and when the time came that the memory of EL and Asherah
were to be lost for many centuries after the fall of Canaan to the Hebrews,
both EL and Asherah disguised Themselves and found a way into the new Hebrew
religion with its own desert war god, Yahweh. EL became the generic word for
"God" and some, not all, but some of EL’s compassion and wisdom was attached
to Yahweh who originally was only one of the lower gods and spiritual sons
of EL.
Having some of EL’s
spiritual wisdom in him, Yahweh grew conceited and thought himself as the
Creator and one and only God. Yahweh taught the Hebrews to bury the
Canaanite memory of EL but that memory was too strong to forget and it
resurfaced in the Hebrew religion as the Messianic prophesy of Immanuel,
which means "EL is with us".
Asherah was attacked as a Goddess and so
She went into Her Canaanite
icon disguise as the Tree of Life in the Hebrew religious epic. Perhaps as a
tree the Hebrews would not recognize the Great Goddess. And they didn’t,
passing the Tree of Life story through the whole Hebrew epic which became
part of the later Christian epic as well.
While the Hebrews would
not allow Her presence as the Great Goddess they did not notice Her presence
in two spiritual daughters, the Shekkinah and Sophia, both carriers of the
wisdom of Asherah to the minds of human beings who listened with their
A dramatic change
happened 2000 years ago when a man named Jesus was born to become a new son
of EL, a son so spiritually close to EL he became known as the Son of God.
Jesus resurrected the wisdom and compassion of EL buried for centuries under
the worship of Yahweh. This was the fulfillment of the prophesy of the
Messiah as Immanuel, that EL would return to humanity to give it the
spiritual comfort of knowing "EL is with us" as the Messiah, the anointed
one who carries the Spirit of Christ which continued the kindness and wisdom
of EL instead of the heavy judgment and demand for absolute obedience that
the war-god Yahweh could not rise above.
EL was always known as
God Most High and for good reason. Only EL knew love is not love if it
demands conditions. EL learned this wisdom by being married to the Great
Mother for it is the unconditional love mothers have always been known for.
Jesus as the good Son of God also gave the world this spiritual message of
unconditional love the Holy One’s highest spiritual representatives, EL and
Asherah, had shown the world in ancient Canaan.
Humanity, however, at
that time, 2000 years ago, was still too immature to accept this Son of God,
Jesus as he himself taught the things his heavenly Father taught him. The
Hebrews had him killed for claiming himself a son of God even though their
own scriptures foretold this would happen. Jesus taught us to follow him
ourselves to likewise becoming faithful sons and daughters of the Holy One
but the Hebrews and their masters, the Romans did not want to hear it.
Jesus was killed and
later on lesser men intervened and changed the message of Jesus from EL,
changed that message of compassion, wisdom and forgiveness, into a message
from Yahweh, love only those who love Yahweh instead of loving all, even
those who do not love you in return.
Yahweh had never learned
about unconditional love because he was never married to the Great Mother,
the representative of the unconditional love of the Holy One for all
humanity. EL taught Jesus to respect the wisdom of women, something the
followers of Yahweh could not comprehend until history of societies proved
the wisdom was true: it is women who hold the keys to peace for the vast
majority of violence done by human beings is done by men.
But this knowledge was
not known and even when known was not accepted. EL and Asherah still had to
hide Themselves because the people could not accept them as They were--the
spiritual models of humanity in the fullest sense of that word while the
people were still in bondage to their animal behavioral patterns where the
strong and ruthless ruled as lords over the weak. Even now, 2000 years later
the Meek still await the time when they will inherit the earth from the
grasp of violent men.
But how did EL and
Asherah disguise Themselves so well that They are with us today and have
been for several hundred years? This is how: EL was imagined in ancient
Canaan as an old man with long flowing hair and beard. EL dressed Himself up
in the colors of Asherah, white, red and black which symbolized His
connection to Her in Her three forms as virgin, mother and crone symbolizing
birth, life and death. EL became the embodiment of the giving Spirit of
Christ and eternal life with the Holy One, the greatest gift humankind could
possibly receive. EL, the Kindly One, disguised Himself as kindly Santa
Claus and the Spirit of Christmas cheer.
Asherah, still in Her
disguise as the Tree of Life became the nine-candlestick menorah of the
Jews, nine commemorating the nine months of gestation. You will find Her in
millions of Jewish homes again celebrating Passover. For the Christians,
Asherah as the the Tree of Life, became the Paradise Tree celebrating the
birth of Jesus who manifested his spiritual Parent’s wisdom and
loving-kindness in little Nativity scenes in tens of millions of homes
beneath Asherahs we call Christmas trees.
Noël, Noël. Know EL, the
Heavenly Father and you might want to become one of His helping "elves"".
Remember Asherah, the Tree of Life with Her baby Jesus tucked safely
underneath Her fir branch skirt. The Holy One doesn’t want us to forget our
heavenly parents.

AP News Update 12/23/02
In a room crowded with
reporters Odin the God publicly announced his filing suit against EL for
claiming to be the inspiration behind Santa Claus. Odin bases his case on
two main points: 1) the resemblance he shows to Saint Nicholas, long beard
and hair and all, but that argument applies also to EL's appearance and even
Father Time alias the Ancient of Days and the Grime Reaper. But then Odin
brought out his winning card he said smiling a huge grimace to the press:
his flying eight-legged horse which he says "obviously inspired the flying
eight reindeers that pulled Santa through the air.
The logic of his argument
would have had more impact, however, if he hadn't pulled out the spear he
always carried and hurled it at a woman in the audience who claimed the
poetry he sent her was derivative. Luckily Odin missed in his rage and was
then seized by police and hauled off to jail. The turbulent scene would have
quieted down after Odin's arrest except another woman identifying herself as
Mrs. Santa Claus said she was filing divorce papers against Santa for
two-timing her with Asherah..some people were heard muttering about the soap
operas these gods get into..
Merry Christmas
and have a very
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
UN demands Israel stops settlement expansion
20/12 02:36 CET
The UN has demanded an immediate halt to Israeli settlement building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Further expansion has been announced in response to the UN’s recent decision to grant Palestinians the status of observer state.
All Security Council members except the US demanded the building stop, along with the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who said:“This is clearly a violation of international law and it is a violation of Quartet guidelines and it is an obstruction of the Middle East peace process. I’m urging the Israeli government to refrain from taking any measures of establishing settlements”
Undeterred, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his government will push ahead with settlement expansion:“We are going to build in Jerusalem for all its residents, this is something that has been done by all previous governments and this is something that my government will continue to do.”, he told reporters.
Israel has this week approved plans for 15 hundred new homes at Ramat Shlomo in East Jerusalem. Approval for a further 2000 homes has also been granted.
Half a million Jews live in 100 similar settlements built in East Jerusalem and the West Bank since the 1967 Six Day war. The acquisition is not recognised under international law.
More about: Israel, Israel-Palestine Peace Process, Palestinian Territories, United Nations, West Bank
Copyright © 2012 euronews
UN, EU, Russia Condemn Israeli Settlements
Margaret Besheer
Voice of America
December 19, 2012
UNITED NATIONS — All members of the U.N. Security Council, with the lone exception of the United States, have publicly condemned Israel’s recent settlement expansion activities and called for them to end. In a rare move, 14 of the council’s 15 members read public statements of their views instead of seeking formal action by the council, since that likely would have been opposed by the United States.
Normally the Security Council carries on its work around the horseshoe-shaped table inside its chamber. But on Wednesday, 14 council members took to the microphone outside the chamber to express their condemnation of Israel’s latest settlement expansion announcement.
Speaking on behalf of the council’s four European members, British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant told reporters the group strongly opposes Israel’s announced plans for more than 3,000 housing units in areas of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and urged Israel to rescind its decision.
“Israel’s announcements to accelerate the construction of settlements send a negative message and are undermining faith in its willingness to negotiate,” he said.
E1 settlements spark furor
Lyall Grant said the international community, and particularly the Security Council, must urgently provide for a credible framework for the resumption of direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Those talks have been stalled for more than a year.
The settlements, especially those in an area known as E1, threaten the contiguity of a potential Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its shared capital with Israel.
Eight of the council’s 15 members are part of the group of more than 120 countries known as the Non-Aligned Movement, or NAM.
Speaking on behalf of NAM, Indian Ambassador Hardeep Singh Puri called Israel’s new settlement announcements “provocative” and noted they come in the wake of the November 29 U.N. General Assembly vote upgrading the Palestinian Authority’s U.N. status, giving it de facto recognition as a state.
“NAM stresses Israel’s settlement activities constitute grave breeches of international humanitarian law and violate numerous U.N. resolutions, including resolutions of the Security Council," said Puri. "This issue also remains the foremost obstacle to peace, impairing all the efforts to revive credible peace negotiations aimed at bringing an end to the Israeli occupation that began in 1967, and achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive peace.”
Russia, China join fray
In separate statements, both Russia and China expressed their condemnation and concern, with Russia urging ministers of the so-called Middle East Quartet to meet quickly.
The tripartite group known as IBSA - South Africa, India and Brazil - said in an additional statement that Israel's settlements not only must be stopped, but also dismantled.
On Tuesday, Washington criticized its ally Israel, with State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland saying Israel's construction plans "run counter to the cause of peace.” But on Wednesday, the U.S. ambassador did not join her colleagues at U.N. headquarters.
The U.N. secretary-general has condemned the Israeli settlement activity as a violation of international law and an obstacle to peace. He told reporters at his end-of-year news conference that the move is a “near fatal blow to a very fragile Middle East peace process.”
Israeli envoy downplays move
Israel’s ambassador, Ron Prosor, dismissed Israeli settlement activity as not being among one of the urgent issues of the region, and downplayed the settlement announcements as part of a “bureaucratic process that can take years.”
The Palestinian Authority’s new enhanced observer state status at the U.N. will open the door to some international organizations that were previously off-limits. The would include the International Criminal Court, where Palestinians could ask prosecutors to investigate settlement construction and other Israeli actions on Palestinian land.
Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour said that if Israel continues on the current path, which he said could destroy the two-state solution, the Palestinians would at least be able to resort to “all possible options” available to them, raising the possibility they will go to the court in The Hague.
Why Is Israel On a Settlement-Construction Spree?
By Michael Koplow
The Atlantic
Dec 19 2012, 11:31 AM ET
The Israeli prime minister's controversial plans, condemned around the world, are about more than just punishing the Palestinians.
A construction site in Gilo, on land Israel captured in 1967 and annexed to its Jerusalem municipality, on January 16, 2011. (Baz Ratner/Reuters)
Over the past few weeks, the Israeli government has been on a building spree. First came word that planning and zoning would begin for E1, a controversial move that would further encircle East Jerusalem with settlements -- cutting off from the West Bank the part of the city Palestinians demand to be the capital of their future state. As part of the same announcement, Israel said that it was going to build more housing in other parts of the West Bank as well.
This week, the government approved 1500 new housing units in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood in East Jerusalem -- the same housing units whose initial announcement in 2010 during Vice President Biden's visit to Israel caused a temporary rift between the United States and Israel and Hilary Clinton's chewing-out of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The Interior Ministry and the Jerusalem Local Committee are also expected to approve plans to build in Givat Hamatos and Gilo this week, both of which are new Jerusalem neighborhoods that are also across the 1967 armistice line that divides East and West Jerusalem.
This is all taking place despite enormous pressure and condemnation from Western countries, who are not happy with the escalation of Israeli plans to expand settlements or to build up Jerusalem neighborhoods that challenge the viability of a future Palestinian state. Britain, France, Germany, and Portugal are about to formally condemn Israel over its East Jerusalem building plans, and the 14 non-American members of the United Nations Security Council are going to do the same. Even the United States seems to have lost its usual patience with the Israeli government, deeming the new building announcements part of a "pattern of provocative action" that endangers the peace process and the two-state solution. Israel seems hell-bent on isolating itself over the settlement issue, and appears determined to move ahead with plans for both the West Bank and East Jerusalem no matter the cost.
It is easy to chalk this up to Israel's fury with the Palestinian Authority's statehood bid at the United Nations, as the E1 announcement came the day after the vote, amidst stated determination on Israel's part to punish the Palestinians for pursuing unilateral moves outside of the Oslo framework. "We felt if the Palestinians were taking unilateral action in the UN, we had to also send the message that we could take unilateral actions," Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren said this week, making the connection explicit.
Yet, this does not account for the scope of the recent Israeli announcements, or for the seeming recklessness of drawing real anger and censure from Israel's Western allies immediately following American and EU support during Operation Pillar of Cloud in Gaza. There is indeed something else going on here, and it has nothing to do with the Palestinians and everything to do with the political jockeying taking place on the right of Israel's political spectrum before Israelis go to the polls on January 22 to elect their next government.
When Netanyahu created the joint list between Likud and Avigdor Lieberman's Yisrael Beiteinu, the thinking behind the move was to create a right-wing monolith that would not only handily win the election, but also present rightwing voters without a real alternative. Not only was the plan to keep Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu voters, but to recapture the erstwhile Likud voters who had cast their ballots for Kadima in the past two elections and would now, with Kadima's imminent disappearance, have nowhere else to go.
For Netanyahu though, the joint list was also about eliminating any challenges to him from his right flank. Following the debacle of his short-lived unity government with Kadima and the call for early elections after the fighting and unresolved impasse over Haredi and Arab military service, Netanyahu was afraid that Lieberman was going to outflank him on the right by appealing to nationalist issues. Netanyahu assumed that by co-opting Lieberman, he would have no real rightwing challengers sniping at him.
Instead, it turns out that Netanyahu is dealing with both external and internal challenges from the right. First is Naftali Bennett's nationalist Habayit Hayehudi (Jewish Home) party, which has siphoned off enough voters from Likud that it is now polling as the third largest party behind only Likud-Beiteinu and Labor, likely to garner at least 10-12 seats in the Knesset. Bennett, who used to be Netanyahu's chief of staff, is confident enough that he has already been demanding that Netanyahu drop Haredi parties from his next coalition and give security portfolios to aspiring Habayit Hayehudi ministers.
Within his own party, the Likud primary created a list of Knesset candidates that is the most right-wing in Likud history and includes perennial Netanyahu challenger Silvan Shalom in the fourth slot, as well as Netanyahu antagonist and settler champion Moshe Feiglin, who was not even a Knesset member in the current government. Feiglin, Danny Dannon, Ze'ev Elkin, Yariv Levin, and other Likud members who will be MKs in the next Knesset are already wary of Netanyahu and will be constantly pushing him to the right under the constant threat of challenging his leadership of the party.
Netanyahu is now facing a scenario in which his rightwing credentials are being challenged before the election in ways that he did not expect. The easiest way for him to staunch the bleeding of voters to Habayit Hayehudi and quiet the grumblings within Likud over his leadership is to back settlements to the hilt; Netanyahu has taken this strategy and run with it. Settlements are the most important issue for Israel's right wing, even above forestalling negotiations with the Palestinians or confronting Iran.
Likud is at its heart a settler party, and Habayit Hayehudi represents a fusion of settlements and nationalism. Given the predilections within both parties, Netanyahu has little choice but to keep on pushing settlement growth in the West Bank and continued building in East Jerusalem no matter how much heat he takes from the United States, the EU, the UN, or anyone else. As long as Netanyahu faces challenges from his right before the election, nothing is going to deter the recent string of building announcements, including continuing pressure from the West.
So while the Israeli government's recent spree of developing neighborhoods and towns in the West Bank and East Jerusalem is certainly in part a response to the Palestinian UN vote, focusing solely on that misses much of the story. The churning taking place in Israel's right wing and the domestic political calculus during this election season are driving the Netanyahu government's policies that are causing so much angst in Washington and Turtle Bay. As is so often the case in Israel, all politics is local.
As is often the case in liberal criticism of Israel the hidden evil empire agenda is not addressed: By "evil empire" I mean the Zionists' racist goal of a Greater all Jewish Israel that excludes Palestinian Arab society and culture and people as much as possible if not altogether. By increasing the number of hardline Zionist Jews in the West Bank it makes it more difficult to create a workable Palestinian state. But a workable Palestinian state was never the intention in the first place, even in the original Partition of Palestine, because one look at the map shows the insurmountable geographical problem: Gaza and the West Bank separated by Israel territory. Any way you look at it, the creation of Israel as Europe and European America's last vestige of European religious colonial imperialism, created a total mess in the Middle East, a cancer in their midst as the Middle East Muslims rightly point out.
The U.N. created this mess. The U.N. needs to own up to its responsibility for creating a most dangerous product and step into the situation with the aim of stopping Israel's aggression that looks very much like fascist invasion and occupation and genocide of another peoples and their society. And we in America need to do the same owning up to the mess we've created in the world by arming Israel to the teeth and providing them the money to do their dirty work of the West's Fortress Europe and Team America in the heart of the Middle East.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality
Israel's Women of the Wall pray for equality
Associated Press
JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israeli security guards at the
Western Wall on Friday searched women worshippers arriving at the
holiest place where Jews can pray for a seemingly inoffensive object --
the Jewish prayer shawl, which under the Orthodox tradition can be worn
only by men.
Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.
Similar scenes have played out almost a dozen times every year since the group known as Women of the Wall was first established nearly 25 years ago.
Its members have endured arrests, heckling and legal battles in a struggle to attain what they consider their inalienable right -- to pray and worship at the Western Wall like men do.
Under Israel's predominantly Orthodox Jewish tradition, only men may wear a prayer shawl, a skullcap and phylacteries. Liberal Reform Judaism, marginal in Israel but the largest denomination in the United States, allows women to practice the same way as men do in Orthodox Judaism: they may be ordained as rabbis, read from the Torah, the Jewish holy book, and wear prayer shawls.
The multi-denominational Women of the Wall adheres to that liberal stream. Since 1988, its members have come to the holy site 11 times a year to pray on the first day of the new Jewish month, except on the New Year.
The police know they are coming and are on the lookout. The group's members have been repeatedly detained, as soon as they are perceived to be offending Orthodox sensibilities -- such as carrying a Torah scroll or if they try to drape themselves in the shawls. They are usually released after a few hours.
They have never been charged -- evidence, the women say, that what they are doing is not illegal.
"We want to have the ability to pray out loud, to wear a prayer shawl, to read the Torah. And we want to do it without fear at the Western Wall," said Anat Hoffman, the group's chairwoman.
Opponents see the Jerusalem-based group, which has hundreds of members and supporters, as provocateurs or kooky agitators. Supporters say they are civil rights activists working to achieve equality. Angry worshippers have hurled plastic chairs at them while others have yelled and taunted them.
Hoffman, who has been detained several times in the past, was held in 2010 for several hours after she brought a Torah scroll to the Western Wall -- another violation for Orthodox Jews, who do not allow women to hold the Torah.
A video of the event shows police attempting to pry the scroll away from her as she shouts back: "It's mine." Hoffman also spent a night in jail in October, when she was banished by a court from the Wall for 30 days.
She says a lack of religious pluralism in Israel has prevented the group from achieving its goals.
While most Israelis are secular, Judaism has a formal place in the country's affairs and Orthodox rabbis strictly govern religious events such as weddings, divorces, and burials for the Jewish population. Also, the ultra-Orthodox are perennial kingmakers in Israeli coalition politics, though they make up only about 10 percent of the country's population.
Israel's Orthodox establishment was also granted responsibility for the Western Wall and seeks to ensure its traditions are followed there.
"We try to follow the customs that our grandfathers did, what was done 100 years ago, 200 years ago, and we try to keep extremism away," said the Western Wall rabbi, Shmuel Rabinowitz.
The Women of the Wall "insist on coming here just to stoke the flames, to cause a provocation," he said, adding that if other customs were permitted, "there would be chaos."
The police say they are enforcing a Supreme Court decision from 2003, which ruled that allowing the group to pray with the shawls at the Western Wall constituted a danger to public safety. The women have been offered an alternative place nearby where they can don the shawls, wear phylacteries and read from the Torah. They use the place but continue to demand full access to the Wall.
More liberal streams of Judaism have been hard-pressed just to be recognized in Israel, which only this year granted funding for non-Orthodox rabbis. The plight of the Women of the Wall also highlights a growing rift between the world's two largest Jewish communities, the one in Israel and the one in the U.S.
Reform and Conservative streams, which are large in the U.S., have been at odds with Orthodox Israeli rabbis in Israel. Many members and supporters of Women of the Wall are American and are appalled at the authorities' reaction to their attempts to wear the shawls and pray at the Wall.
Laura Geller, a rabbi at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, was one of the women forced to leave her prayer shawl behind on Friday.
"It's interesting that Israel is one of the few countries in the world where I can't be the Jew that I am," she said, a blue and white skullcap placed atop her grey curls. "The Wall needs to be big enough for us to find a way to share it."
Once the shawls were found, dozens of women had to deposit them before proceeding to pray in the section reserved for women. A few, who managed to sneak the shawls in under their coats and wrapped them around their shoulders, were promptly evicted or detained.
Similar scenes have played out almost a dozen times every year since the group known as Women of the Wall was first established nearly 25 years ago.
Its members have endured arrests, heckling and legal battles in a struggle to attain what they consider their inalienable right -- to pray and worship at the Western Wall like men do.
Under Israel's predominantly Orthodox Jewish tradition, only men may wear a prayer shawl, a skullcap and phylacteries. Liberal Reform Judaism, marginal in Israel but the largest denomination in the United States, allows women to practice the same way as men do in Orthodox Judaism: they may be ordained as rabbis, read from the Torah, the Jewish holy book, and wear prayer shawls.
The multi-denominational Women of the Wall adheres to that liberal stream. Since 1988, its members have come to the holy site 11 times a year to pray on the first day of the new Jewish month, except on the New Year.
The police know they are coming and are on the lookout. The group's members have been repeatedly detained, as soon as they are perceived to be offending Orthodox sensibilities -- such as carrying a Torah scroll or if they try to drape themselves in the shawls. They are usually released after a few hours.
They have never been charged -- evidence, the women say, that what they are doing is not illegal.
"We want to have the ability to pray out loud, to wear a prayer shawl, to read the Torah. And we want to do it without fear at the Western Wall," said Anat Hoffman, the group's chairwoman.
Opponents see the Jerusalem-based group, which has hundreds of members and supporters, as provocateurs or kooky agitators. Supporters say they are civil rights activists working to achieve equality. Angry worshippers have hurled plastic chairs at them while others have yelled and taunted them.
Hoffman, who has been detained several times in the past, was held in 2010 for several hours after she brought a Torah scroll to the Western Wall -- another violation for Orthodox Jews, who do not allow women to hold the Torah.
A video of the event shows police attempting to pry the scroll away from her as she shouts back: "It's mine." Hoffman also spent a night in jail in October, when she was banished by a court from the Wall for 30 days.
She says a lack of religious pluralism in Israel has prevented the group from achieving its goals.
While most Israelis are secular, Judaism has a formal place in the country's affairs and Orthodox rabbis strictly govern religious events such as weddings, divorces, and burials for the Jewish population. Also, the ultra-Orthodox are perennial kingmakers in Israeli coalition politics, though they make up only about 10 percent of the country's population.
Israel's Orthodox establishment was also granted responsibility for the Western Wall and seeks to ensure its traditions are followed there.
"We try to follow the customs that our grandfathers did, what was done 100 years ago, 200 years ago, and we try to keep extremism away," said the Western Wall rabbi, Shmuel Rabinowitz.
The Women of the Wall "insist on coming here just to stoke the flames, to cause a provocation," he said, adding that if other customs were permitted, "there would be chaos."
The police say they are enforcing a Supreme Court decision from 2003, which ruled that allowing the group to pray with the shawls at the Western Wall constituted a danger to public safety. The women have been offered an alternative place nearby where they can don the shawls, wear phylacteries and read from the Torah. They use the place but continue to demand full access to the Wall.
More liberal streams of Judaism have been hard-pressed just to be recognized in Israel, which only this year granted funding for non-Orthodox rabbis. The plight of the Women of the Wall also highlights a growing rift between the world's two largest Jewish communities, the one in Israel and the one in the U.S.
Reform and Conservative streams, which are large in the U.S., have been at odds with Orthodox Israeli rabbis in Israel. Many members and supporters of Women of the Wall are American and are appalled at the authorities' reaction to their attempts to wear the shawls and pray at the Wall.
Laura Geller, a rabbi at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, was one of the women forced to leave her prayer shawl behind on Friday.
"It's interesting that Israel is one of the few countries in the world where I can't be the Jew that I am," she said, a blue and white skullcap placed atop her grey curls. "The Wall needs to be big enough for us to find a way to share it."
Friday, December 14, 2012
Reuters journalists: Israeli troops assaulted us, forced us to strip in street
Muhammad al-Salameh, 17, was shot dead close to his house in the heart
of Hebron on Wednesday evening after an altercation with border guards
at a nearby checkpoint. Israeli police said he had brandished a gun,
which later proved to be a toy gun.
By NBC News staff and wire reports
HEBRON, West Bank -- Israeli soldiers have been accused of punching two Reuters cameramen and forcing them to strip in the street, before letting off a tear gas canister in front of them, leaving one of them needing hospital treatment.
Israel's military said Thursday it took the allegations seriously.
"The regional brigade commander was ordered to open an investigation," Israeli Defense Forces spokeswoman Avital Leibovich said in an email.
Yousri Al Jamal and Ma'amoun Wazwaz said a foot patrol stopped them on Wednesday in the heart of Hebron as they were driving to a nearby checkpoint where a Palestinian teenager had just been shot dead by an Israeli border guard.
Their car was clearly marked "TV" and they were both wearing blue flak jackets with "Press" emblazoned on the front.
The soldiers forced them to leave the vehicle and punched them, striking them with the butts of their guns. They accused the journalists of working for an Israeli NGO, B'Tselem, which documents human rights violations in the occupied West Bank, the Reuters cameramen said.
Locals say B'Tselem has given a number of Palestinians video cameras so they can film soldiers and settlers who live in this divided city. The NGO was not immediately available for comment.
The soldiers did not let the men produce their official ID papers and forced them to strip down to their underwear, making them kneel on the road with their hands behind their heads, the cameramen said.
Two other Palestinian journalists working for local news organizations, including a satellite television station affiliated to the Islamist group Hamas, were also stopped and forced to the ground.
One of the soldiers then dropped a tear gas canister between the men and the IDF patrol ran away, according to the cameramen. The four journalists scrambled clear and Jamal and Wazwaz got to their car, which had rapidly filled up with tear gas, they said.
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They tried to drive away, but said they only got around 200 meters before they had to stop and exit the vehicle because of the gas. The soldiers then fired more tear gas in their direction, the cameramen said.
Wazwaz was overcome by the fumes and was taken to hospital by ambulance. He was released later the same night.
The Israeli soldiers allegedly took two gas masks and a video camera from their car. The undamaged camera was later found abandoned further up the road, according to the Reuters journalists.
"We deplore the mistreatment of our journalists and have registered our extreme dismay with the Israeli military authorities," said Stephen J. Adler, editor-in-chief of Reuters News.
Paul Danahar, the chairman of the Foreign Press Association in Israel, said on Twitter that the organization would soon issue a statement on the attack.
There “must be a limit (on) how many times (the) IDF can say this stuff is usual behavior,” he wrote.
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Tensions have been running particularly high in Hebron in the past week following repeated clashes between stone-throwing youths and soldiers.
Muhammad al-Salameh, 17, was shot dead close to his house in the heart of Hebron on Wednesday evening after an altercation with border guards at a nearby checkpoint. Israeli police said he had brandished a gun, which later proved to be a toy gun.
Some 800 Jewish settlers live among 30,000 Palestinians in the parts of the old city that are under Israeli control.
Reuters contributed to this report.
Europe court: German was victim of CIA extraordinary rendition program
Uwe Lein / AFP - Getty Images file
A leading European court ruled that German citizen Khaled El-Masri should receive damages from Macedonia over his claims he was an innocent victim of the CIA's extraordinary rendition program.
By Ian Johnston, NBC News, and wire reports
Updated at 6:15 p.m. to include response from NSC:
The European Court of Human Rights ruled Thursday in favor of a German man who claims he was mistaken for a terrorist, then kidnapped and tortured by the CIA as part of the controversial extraordinary-rendition program.
The court ordered that Khaled El-Masri should be paid about $78,000 in damages by Macedonia, the European country where he says he was captured before being taken to a secret prison in Afghanistan known as the "Salt Pit."
James Goldston, lead lawyer on the case and executive director of the New York-based Open Society Justice Initiative, told NBC News that the ruling was significant because it was the first time a court had established "beyond reasonable doubt" that what El-Masri was saying had happened.
He said that in light of the ruling the Obama administration should apologize to El-Masri, pay damages and launch a wide-ranging investigation into his case and others like it.
"Notably, the court found that the CIA’s treatment of Mr. El-Masri at the airport in Skopje, Macedonia in January 2004 amounted to torture. This judgment by the highest court in Europe represents an authoritative condemnation of some of the most objectionable tactics employed in the post-9/11 war on terror," Goldston said in a statement.
Macedonia's 'complete denial'
According to El-Masri, he was brutally interrogated at the CIA-run Afghan prison for four months after he was flown there from Macedonia.
The European court's ruling said El-Masri's account of his "alleged ordeal was very detailed, specific and consistent."
While Macedonia had issued a "complete denial," there was a "a wealth of compelling evidence supporting his [El-Masri's] allegations and rejecting the Government’s explanation as utterly untenable," it added.
The ruling said El-Masri’s account was supported by several factors including:
aviation and flight logs;
geological records of minor earthquakes he recalled during his detention in Afghanistan;
sketches he drew of the prison where he was held;
and scientific tests on his hair showing "he had spent time in a South Asian country and had been deprived of food for an extended period of time."
The ruling said the court "observes" that El-Masri was taken from his hotel in Skopje, Macedonia, to the city's airport where he was "beaten severely by several disguised men dressed in black."
"He was stripped and sodomized with an object. He was placed in a nappy and dressed in a dark blue short-sleeved tracksuit. Shackled and hooded, and subjected to total sensory deprivation, the applicant [El-Masri] was forcibly marched to a CIA aircraft … When on the plane, he was thrown to the floor, chained down and forcibly tranquillized," the ruling said.
"While in that position, the applicant was flown to Kabul (Afghanistan) via Baghdad," it added.
Read the court's full ruling (pdf)
Macedonian authorities said they would not comment until they are formally notified of the ruling, The Associated Press reported. Though the case focused on Macedonia, it drew broader attention because of how sensitive the CIA extraordinary renditions were for Europe.
They involved abducting and interrogating terror suspects without court sanction in the years following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the U.S., under former President George W. Bush.
A 2007 Council of Europe probe accused 14 European governments of permitting the CIA to run detention centers or carry out rendition flights between 2002 and 2005.
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'Huge victory for justice'
The White House referred NBC News' request for comment on the European court's ruling to the National Security Council press office, which responded later Thursday.
"The United States government does not comment on what are alleged to be activities of the intelligence community," Caitlin Hayden, NSC deputy spokesperson told NBC in an email response.
She pointed to three Executive Orders issued by President Barack Obama on his second full day in office on U.S. detention, interrogation and transfer policies directing that detainees in all circumstances be "treated humanely," that CIA detention facilities be closed "expeditiously," and that transfer practices "do not result in the transfer of individuals to face torture. The United States government is implementing those recommendations."
Goldston, who argued the case before the court, told NBC News that the United States had never commented on the claims officially and attempts to get a U.S. court to hear El-Masri’s case had failed.
He said he hoped the European court’s decision would prompt action in the U.S.
How I see America, from a former Gitmo prisoner
"The Obama administration should now apologize and acknowledge what the court has found, and undertake a more sweeping, intensive inquiry that what has been done to date," Goldston said.
"It’s incumbent on the administration to do that," he said, adding that the U.S. should also pay compensation to El-Masri.
Jamil Dakwar, head of the human rights program at the American Civil Liberties Union, told the AP that the ruling was "a huge victory for justice and the rule of law."
He predicted "it will make it harder for the United States to continue burying its head in the sand" about accusations that its officials tortured suspects in the war on terrorism.
El-Masri was given a prison sentence in 2010 for assaulting the mayor of Neu-Ulm, Germany, and is due for release next year, Goldston said.
The court's rulings are binding on the 47 member states of the Council of Europe.
The Associated Press and NBC News' Kari Huus contributed to this report.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Another corrupt high level Israeli leader: Israeli FM Avigdor Lieberman charged with breach of trust
There was insufficient evidence to charge Avigdor Lieberman with money-laundering
BBC News
13 December 2012 Last updated at 13:46 ET
The Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, has been charged with breach of trust in connection with a long-running financial scandal.
But Mr Lieberman has been cleared of more serious offences, including money-laundering and bribery.
He said he did not have to resign but was studying the indictment with his lawyers.
The charge against one of the most powerful politicians in Israel comes five weeks before a general election.
Mr Lieberman's party recently joined that of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the elections and the Foreign Minister said he would consider how the indictment would affect the vote before he took any further action.
"A final decision will be made after consultation with my lawyers and in the consideration of not hurting the voting public," he said hours after the Justice Ministry announced its decision.
Israeli law on the matter is complex. The BBC's Kevin Connolly says it is thought that being under indictment does not prevent Mr Lieberman from running for parliament but it might force him to resign as a minister.
Opposition parties had called for his resignation if he was charged and the our correspondent says they might go to court to force the issue.
The case dates back more than a decade. Prosecutors had suspected Mr Lieberman had received illicit funds from businessmen and laundered them through shell bank accounts.
The Attorney-General decided there was apparently insufficient evidence to take the matter to trial and charged Lieberman with the lesser offence of receiving official material from the investigation against him.
Saturday, December 08, 2012
Leader Celebrates Founding of Hamas With Defiant Speech
Tens of thousands of Hamas supporters gathered in Gaza City near a large
replica of an M-75, a Hamas rocket, that bore the words “Made in Gaza.”
New York Times
PuFares Akram contributed reporting
December 8, 2012
GAZA CITY — Khaled Meshal, the political leader of Hamas, gave a defiant speech on Saturday, vowing to build an Islamic Palestinian state on all the land of Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Speaking before tens of thousands of supporters on the 25th anniversary of the founding of Hamas, Mr. Meshal said the Jewish state would be wiped away through “resistance,” or military action. “The state will come from resistance, not negotiation,” he said. “Liberation first, then statehood.”
His voice rising to a shout, Mr. Meshal said: “Palestine is ours from the river to the sea and from the south to the north. There will be no concession on any inch of the land.” He vowed that all Palestinian refugees and their descendants would one day return to their original homes in what is now Israel.
“We will never recognize the legitimacy of the Israeli occupation, and therefore there is no legitimacy for Israel, no matter how long it will take,” he said. “We will free Jerusalem inch by inch, stone by stone. Israel has no right to be in Jerusalem.” He also promised Palestinian prisoners held in Israel that they would be freed using the same methods that have worked in the past — the kidnapping of Israelis and Israeli soldiers, like Gilad Shalit, who was released last year in a prisoner exchange after five years as a hostage.
Mr. Meshal’s harsh words reflected longstanding Hamas principles rather than new, specific threats toward Israel. But they will only reinforce Israel’s belief that Hamas is its enemy and intends to continue to use military force to reach its goals.
Mr. Meshal, on his first visit to Gaza after 45 years of exile, having fled a West Bank village at 11 with his family during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, was in a joyous but not conciliatory mood. He promised Palestinian unity, but only on the basis of Hamas’s principles, which would mean a subordinate role for Fatah, the main Palestinian faction in the West Bank. He called the United Nations General Assembly’s vote granting Palestinians enhanced status as a nonmember observer state — engineered by President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, which governs the West Bank — “a small step but a good one.”
He insisted that Hamas had won a great military victory by achieving a cease-fire with Israel last month after eight days of rocket launches and airstrikes, and said it could form the basis, with the General Assembly vote, of a new Palestine Liberation Organization that would contain all Palestinian factions. An inclusive Palestinian Authority and a P.L.O. based on Hamas principles, however, would almost surely find itself shunned by Israel and much of the world. It would also be a humiliating defeat for Mr. Abbas, who supports a two-state solution and has negotiated with Israel.
The P.L.O., run by Mr. Abbas of Fatah, is the sole legal representative of the Palestinian people and does not now include Hamas.
The celebration took place under cloudy skies, mixed with periods of rain. But few of the supporters, many waving the green flags of Hamas, left the crowded square.
Mr. Meshal and Ismail Haniya, the Hamas prime minister in Gaza, emerged together from a giant replica of a Hamas rocket called the M-75, which is supposed to be able to travel 75 kilometers, or 47 miles, from Gaza City, putting it close to Tel Aviv. Many experts have said they think the M-75 is a repainted Iranian Fajr rocket, but the one on display bore the words “Made in Gaza,” in English. The crowd cheered and a band played a song praising Hamas leaders for being fearless in the face of death.
The stage featured the rocket, a banner showing the walls of Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock, and large photographs of Mr. Meshal and of Ahmed al-Jabari, Hamas’s military commander who was killed by an Israeli strike on the first day of November’s fighting.
While nearly everyone in the crowd carried Hamas flags, Mr. Haniya and Mr. Meshal brandished large red, white, green and black Palestinian flags from the stage, pressing the day’s theme of reconciliation and Hamas’s claim to leadership of the larger Palestinian movement, encouraged by the latest fighting and by the victory in Egypt of the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is the Palestinian branch.
“We are imposing a new reality on the Israeli occupation,” said Salah Bardawil, a Hamas spokesman. “All the factions are here, and the Hamas flags embrace the Palestinian flags and the Fatah flags. We need to extend the Arab revolution to all Palestine from the sea to the river, and every refugee returns to his home.”
But Hamas is also anxious, some members say, about the current challenges to President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt, who ran as the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate. To ride the wave of a Muslim Brotherhood ascendancy is fine, they say, unless it fails.
Those who came said they were thrilled to be here, proud of Hamas and its claims of victory over Israel in November. The conflict ended without an Israeli ground invasion and in a cease-fire brokered by Egypt, leaving Hamas with the sense that it had stood up to Israel despite the deaths here and the loss of many of its largest rockets.
The rally was also an entertainment for those with young children, providing a sense of excitement in what can be a difficult life here.
Many expressed the hope that Hamas and Fatah could finally reconcile in the interests of the larger Palestinian nation. Some Fatah representatives were invited to the rally, and few yellow Fatah flags, let alone Palestine flags, were seen in the waves of Hamas green. But the Fatah flags were often attached to poles also bearing the Hamas and Palestine flags.
People recalled that at an earlier rally here marking the cease-fire, a senior Fatah leader, Nabil Shaath, praised “the resistance” for its victory over “the enemy” and added, “The war has turned Hamas into a legitimate partner for Fatah.”
Abu Muhammed, 43, said he thought that the day showed Hamas’s new sense of self-confidence and demonstrated that “the mood is going toward reconciliation.” Nearly everyone in Gaza wants the two factions to reconcile, he said. The split “only favors Israel,” he said.
Mr. Meshal is thought to be more favorable to reconciliation with Fatah than is Mr. Haniya. But Mr. Haniya also basked in Mr. Meshal’s presence.
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