Periodically, I have to post news of local political censorship that comes and goes with the political tides. There is a popular local blogster who is prominent in local Progressive politics. This person is Eric Kirk who has the blog SoHum Parlance II and runs a Progressive point of view of current political events which keeps local Progs interested in his blog. Political discussions go on all the time on his blog. However, if you're a Christian activist like me and criticize Eric's religious beliefs, he's a confused Zionist atheist, or his conflict of interest role as Buck Mountain Corp advocate sitting on the Board of the SoHum Community Park, he won't let that information be posted where commenters are talking about it on his blog. He will, however, let blog comments defaming his critics post with no trouble, even highly libelous ones. The same thing happens to critics on Eric's mentor's blog, Heraldo, and when it happens to me I feel duty bound to the community to report it. Local political fascist repression of information by pols claiming to represent the "liberal" political p.o.v. here in Humboldt County. Rose, could you start another thread on Prog Blog censorship? I know it's not exactly Occupy topic but it is local Prog corrupt politics in action and besides, it makes me mad and want to vent somewhere, so where else but my blog and friend's blogs and my Facebook, and Twitter and Cheeper and Bleeper accounts as well as the Goodyear Blimp moving sign I've got on order..
Recent posts censored from Eric's blog:
Talking about Norman Solomon's campaign which Eric is supporting:
No, Eric, I'm trying to save lives, Solomon's included. Zionists in America with Evangelical Christian support are pulling another Saddam/WMD war mongering effort to start another war in the Middle East to defeat Israel's political and military rivals for control of the whole Middle East region. Because this is something that benefits Europe, America, and all countries dependent on Middle East Muslim controlled oil reserves to function, they most often support Israel even though Israel holds the world's record for U.N. violations, many more than Iran and refuses to let U.N. atomic energy regulators into Israeli nuclear facilities. Israelis have no regard for human rights or human life when it comes to acting exactly like Mafia bosses protecting their turf enterprises by assassinating rivals and anyone deemed a serious threat to Israeli national security which includes anyone who prominently is anti-Zionist. I've read some of Solomon's stuff now and think if he were to reach Congress with his stated anti-Zionist agenda and acted on this in Congress, he would become a target for Israel as I am not aware of any elected Jewish U.S. congressman or Senator prominently anti-Zionist. It wouldn't be allowed and in our Republican-rightwing dominated political climate would make most Jewish politicians unelectable He can play the anti-Zionist advocate here to local Prog audiences to some extent and in the Bay Area but most everywhere else? He'll downplay any criticism of Israel if he wants to be elected and not alienate most of his constituents and Congressional collegues right off the bat. Muslims watching U.S. elections and Congress will not be able to distinguish Solomon from other Jewish elected officials and Presidential advisers unless Solomon right away identifies himself as anti-Zionist and again if he did that, he'd be dead politically in Congress right away and if he was really serious he might be really dead. So, I'm protecting him, Eric. You don't run a black man for President in 1950's America if you want to save that black man's life and we've got a 1950's America ideology going on now that has traded racial prejudice against blacks for racial prejudice against Muslims and hatred of Communism for hatred of Islam.
Comment posted today responding to Eric's latest slamming of me without letting me post in defense on his blog:
In other words, Eric can post huge long comments, his regulars he likes can do so as well, remember Andy whatshisname's Zionist Israel supporting attacks on Islam and Muslims? Then there's this fact in my life that remains one of the big reasons I hate seeing a local political manager at work censoring political opponents: Eric's blog is the ONLY PLACE I have ever encountered such extreme hatred allowed to be posted against me. Nowhere else on any Internet discussion forum, blog, Facebook, face-to-face discussions, have I ever been wished my death from cancer that took place several times on this very blog. Eric let this type of hideous personal attack get posted on his blog just like he will let critics of me post their comments while censoring mine. This is such dirty pool that I will protest Eric's continuing slide into fascist repression whenever it comes up which is every time now that I post anything critical on Eric's blog.
That you toadies here fail to see the censorship problem is only to your own myopia about freedom of speech and how important it is to keep community communication free of political bias distortion and repression. Censorship is the first step towards more drastic means of killing off political rivals. My criticisms of Eric's behavior are based on my real experiences with his actions dealing with my comments, ED Voice's comments, i.e. serious critics of Eric's mindset and acts that wants to win at all costs, even the cost of truth.
Two more posts deleted by Eric, one showing how Marx stole his basic slogan directly from the New Testament and how he borrowed from 1800's religious intentional communities ideology, even pointed out there was a Communist one complete with totalitarian rules and ideological despotism. The other censored post responding to:
Anon: Well isn’t that special comrade
January 16, 2012 at 9:23 pm
Eric Kirk
Comrade? Because like, Karl Marx was a communist. And so I am because I mentioned him in a post?
Or something.
Me: Because you censor the flow of community information just like Communists do when they can block political opponents as you yourself admit to doing. At least you're not shooting or bombing your political opponents but then Progs like you don't have that power yet. You're scary, Eric, because you don't even see what you're doing as fascist baby steps.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
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- Steve Lewis
- Prophesy bearer for four religious traditions, revealer of Christ's Sword, revealer of Josephine bearing the Spirit of Christ, revealer of the identity of God, revealer of the Celestial Torah astro-theological code within the Bible. Celestial Torah Christian Theologian, Climax Civilization theorist and activist, Eco-Village Organizer, Master Psychedelic Artist, Inventor of the Next Big Thing in wearable tech, and always your Prophet-At-Large.
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