Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year! May 2010 be better than 2009 was!

Why this blog is focused on Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:

I keep my blog focused on the Israel-Palestinian conflict because to me it is the root problem for peace activists to address. America's support for the proven human rights violating state of Israel, the place where war criminals are routinely elected to high office, is the major issue behind most all Muslim hatred of Westerners and particularly Westerners who support Israel. Zionists are keeping the world at war in my opinion and doing it to protect their dying cause-Zionist racism that seeks to ethnically cleanse Palestine of Palestinian Gentile Muslims and Christians so that the Jewish state of Israel can be created where Palestine once was. Zionism cannot be morally supported and Zionists know this and so they will use Joseph McCarthy-type smear tactics on anyone who criticizes Israeli policies. This list grows ever longer and ever more absurd each year as Zionist Jews attack the reputations of well-known honorable people such as Jimmy Carter and Desmond Tutu.

Exposure of Zionist Jewish political pressure on U.S. foreign policy is what Americans need to see for themselves to realize America has a real 5th Column operating in this country composed of Zionist Jews in high office who are working for a foreign government--Israel. They are so confident now of having bamboozled Americans for so long about Israel's war with Muslims with Zionist Jewish control of major U.S. information sources and cultural influences such as Hollywood movies that they can openly state their support for Israel while serving as elected representatives and appointed officials in Washington D.C., knowing that anyone who dares criticize them will be almost instantly branded as an "anti-Semite". And this smear tactic works! Because the information Americans have been receiving about Jewish concerns has been thoroughly stripped of anti-Zionist counter information. So anti-Zionist blogs and websites are necessary to get unbiased news about Israel and Zionist influence information to the people. As Americans our democracy and world peace cannot afford to have a foreign nation running America's foreign policy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.

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