Pete Nichols wrote a recent Forum article titled “Reflections on the San Francisco oil spill.” Mr. Nichols really used his article to trash the elected officials in our county rather than teach us something new about the environment of the Humboldt Bay.

First, the more I read, hear and learn about Humboldt Baykeeper, the more I realize that they are a political group disguised as environmentalists. I know this because I am a guy who used to belong to the Sierra Club.

Win or lose an election, most candidates gracefully thank their supporters and the other candidates for a well-run race that helped to bring out the issues to the voters (that last part is called good sportsmanship). Although Mr. Nichols was not running for office, a candidate he supported was running. During that election, Mr. Nichols and his supporters wrote and said whatever they wanted, but that was not enough. Now, Mr. Nichols comes out after the election and further trashes the former incumbent and other elected officials as if they were responsible for the recent San Francisco Bay oil spill. He implied that it is incumbent Commissioner Ollivier’s kind of thinking that will eventually cause the same thing to happen here.

What? The incumbent losing the election wasn’t good enough for Mr. Nichols? He seems to have a need to keep blaming Mr. Ollivier and other officials for action they had nothing to do with. I’d say that’s bad sportsmanship.

Let’s just forget about the good service these elected men and women have given to our community in their efforts to create sustainable and consistent jobs. They do not agree 100 percent with the Humboldt Baykeeper political agenda, so let’s just work on getting anyone who even slightly disagrees with Baykeeper out of office.

It is my hope that Nichols and his newly elected candidate-elect will instead use this golden opportunity to work with those around them. This time, try working with all those who have a vested interest in the bay and the economy, and not just your agenda. Do not use this time you been given to point fingers at others who do not agree with a “no-growth” policy for our community, and thereby continuing to further polarize residents of this community.

If this does not work for you, then perhaps, Mr. Nichols, you should try running for office yourself. Maybe that is what you are thinking about in any case. On the other hand, maybe you should stick with being Humboldt Baykeeper executive director and point fingers at others because from what I now know about your group, it is the only thing — besides suing those who disagree with you — that you seem to be good at.

Let me be the first to say that you and your candidate-elect have already made one mistake. You and he interpret the recent election results as a mandate from the people of Humboldt County to stop all development on the bay. I suggest you step back and take a good look at what happened in the election. If not, I think your newly elected candidate will find himself out of office in four years.

I further suggest that you and your candidate-elect take the time to learn to work with those other elected officials in and around the bay. If you do not, you may soon find that winning a skirmish (this month’s election) is not the same as winning the war (the future of the bay).

Lastly, Mr. Nichols, I personally worked very hard in the military overseas to protect your right and mine to freedom of speech. That freedom comes with responsibility and accountability to tell the truth and not to use scare tactics or, as your candidate did, promise the good people of this county something he will not be able to deliver.

(Steven Morris lives in Fortuna.)