Sunday, July 29, 2007

How those weapons we sell are being used to genocide Palestinian society

Report from Mazim Qumsiyeh

It is difficult to put into wards our experiences since I wrote last and
sent any emails in over 8 days. Our visits to Hebron, Ramallah, Jenin, Aida
Refugee camp and much more. Over 10 meetings with international delegations
(inc luding talks I gave to a number of these delegations). So many
inspiring stories and so many sad stories. But how can I describe the Jenin
general hospital which had a neonatal intensive care unit in which they had
to put two premature babies in one incubater due to lack of enough
incubator. In which the pediatric ward was overflowing with children and
their mothers. A hospital that had three ambulances at one time, two were
bombed by the Israeli occupation forces, and the third was involved in a car
accident and so now there are no ambulance for a hospital serving 350,000
people. How can one describe the situations of the villages of Tayba,
Romana, and Salem in the northern West Bank. How can we talk about the 20
year old killed in Bethlehem while we were here. The military jeep that
threatened us as we were filming on the apartheid wall while locals
explained how they were forced to relocate graves of their relative. How
can one describe any of our experiences. I urge everyone receiving this
message to take time come to visit Palestine and spend as much as possible.
Nothing can replace that. In the next few weeks, I will try to put up some
videos on Youtube to relay some of the experiences. A couple of videos with
relevant material are linked below. But in the meantime, please take a few
minutes (if you are in the US or a US citizen living abroad) to contact
congress and demand they reject both the military sales to subservient Arab
regimes AND the increases in military grants to Israel (free weapons given
for racist wars). Israel’s military aid is to increase from $2.4 billion to
$3 billion annually for the next ten years (a total cost to us taxpayers of
$300 billion in addition to other aid). For contacts of your
representatives, go here--

Saturday, July 28, 2007

More censorship by Eric, the Zionist wannabe

I posted a response to Eric's blog topic on old '50's sci-fi movies where someone commented that George Pal's War of the Worlds had a Christian theme in it which it does--the movie ends with people being saved by God's "littlest creatures" and the hero and heroine in a church.

I pointed out the fact that Steven Spielberg's version of War of the Worlds starts right off with the Martians coming out beneath a church destroying it and there's a clear scene where a cross comes crashing down to the ground.

Evidently I can't post this as Eric believes it to be offensive to his Jewish fans. Eric should get a Zionist medal for protecting the Faith even against movie critics..

Israeli Soldiers “Execute” what they Learn in Military School

(From my Palestinian friend Sami Awad' blog )

Today I joined thousands of Palestinians in the burial of a nineteen year old Palestinian boy who was beaten to death by Israeli soldiers; his name was (and is) Jihad Al-Sha’er. In order to not have his story become a number in the books of records, I decided to write it in this article.

Jihad’s story should be a warning to all those who are losing their humanity to the corruption of absolute power.

To give a clear picture of what happened, I talked to several villagers from the village of Tiqua’ where Jihad was from including some who eye witnessed the incident and some very close friends that I respect and trust.

In the morning of July 26th Jihad left his home and headed up the street to a nearby taxi stop. He was going to Bethlehem University to complete his enrolment for the upcoming fall semester; on the other side of the taxi stop stood an Israeli army Hummer. A soldier standing outside the army vehicle called Jihad for no reason at all other than what seems to have been out of boredom from standing in the hot summer heat. Jihad hesitantly walked to the soldier who asked him for his identification card. Jihad only had his birth certificate as part of the paperwork he was taking with him for registration. Even though that is enough, the Israeli soldier, again from what seems to be born of boredom began to taunt and then physically assault Jihad. As the assaults grew, Jihad physically defended himself and a brawl broke up between the two who could have easily been the same age. Seeing this, four other Israeli soldiers from the same army vehicle jumped out and began beating Jihad with their batons and the buds of their rifles. Even after falling to the ground the beatings continued.Tens of Israeli army jeeps came as reinforcement, for what? I truly don’t know. Jihad was carried in one of the army vehicles to an unknown location.

It is not known what happened after that but after several hours the Israeli army called the Palestinian Red Crescent to “pick up” Jihad at one of army checkpoints leading into Bethlehem. The ambulance picked up the body of a dead nineteen year old.

A surplus of absolute power was given to these Israeli soldiers by their commanders and government that led them (directly or not) to treat others as a lesser form of a human being. This is not the first time and I am sad to say will probably not be the last time such things happen.

As I thought about it more I asked myself what if in that evening, as the soldiers were sitting in their base, one of them stood up expressed remorse and regret for what had happened then how will the others react? How will his commanders react?

If (big IF) there is enough pressure to open an investigation, the Israeli army and government will claim this as a “singular and tragic incident that does not reflect the Israeli military,” but the facts present a different reality. What happened might be a “unique / rare incident” (every act of violence and brutal killing is unique) but in reality, what is happening is a clear reflection of the systemic demonizing that is embedded in the Israeli military and poltical establishment.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Al-Qaida's man in Iraq unveiled as fictional character

U.S. military says an Iraqi actor had portrayed the nonexistent leader

Los Angeles Times
July 19, 2007, 6:25AM

BAGHDAD — In March, he was declared captured. In May, he was declared killed, and his purported corpse was displayed on state-run TV. But Wednesday, Omar al-Baghdadi, the supposed leader of an al-Qaida-affiliated group in Iraq, was declared nonexistent by U.S. military officials, who say he is a fictional character created to give an Iraqi face to a foreign-run terror group.

In reality, an Iraqi actor has been used to read statements attributed to al-Baghdadi, who since October has been identified as the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq, said U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner.

Bergner said the information came from a man whom U.S. forces captured July 4 and who was described as the highest-ranking Iraqi within the Islamic State of Iraq. The detainee, identified as Khaled Abdul-Fattah Dawoud Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, has served as a propaganda chief in the organization, a Sunni insurgent group that claims allegiance to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida.

According to Bergner, Mashadani helped create Islamic State of Iraq as a "virtual organization" that is essentially a pseudonym for al-Qaida in Iraq, another group that claims ties to al-Qaida. The front organization was aimed at making Iraqis believe that al-Qaida in Iraq is a nationalistic group, even though it is led by an Egyptian and has few Iraqis among its leaders, Bergner told a news conference.

"The Islamic State of Iraq is the latest effort by al-Qaida to market itself and its goal of imposing a Taliban-like state on the Iraqi people," he said.

Islamic State of Iraq had been widely described as an umbrella organization made up of several insurgent groups, including al-Qaida in Iraq.

There was no way to confirm the military's claim, which comes at a time of heightened pressure on the White House to justify keeping U.S. troops in Iraq. Critics of the Bush administration say he has been trying to provide that justification by linking the broader-based al-Qaida to the conflict in Iraq, even though Bin Laden's organization had no substantial presence here until after the U.S. invasion of March 2003.

"The same people that attacked us on September the 11th is the crowd that is now bombing people" in Iraq, President Bush said Tuesday.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Protesting the Wall construction and what happens

Like every Friday, we gathered early in the morning in Holy Land Trust and traveled with many international and Palestinian volunteers to join the villagers, other internationals and Israeli nonviolent activists in the weekly nonviolent protest against the building of the Wall. This week’s action coincided with the International Court of Justice ruling that regarded the Wall as violating international law and UN resolutions.

Like every week, the Israeli army came with full arms to prevent a peaceful and nonviolent procession on the path where the wall will be build in the village of Um sallamona.

This is how Israelis treat Palestinian non-violence demonstrations. My friend Sami Awad who the director of the Holy Land Trust organization in Bethlehem wrote the introduction words above. Sami has been here to Humboldt County where he gave two talks on the Palestinian situation. His organization is part of the Pax Christi humanitarian groups and teaches non-violence and Palestinian culture to Palestinian activists.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Israel: The Most Racist Illegal Nation posted by Ibn_Sina

“We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours.”
– Rafel Eitan, IDF Chief of Staff 1978-83, Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983, New York Times 14 April 1983.

“We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population.”
– Israel Koenig, advisor to the Israeli Knesset, The Koenig Memorandum (Al Hamishmar newspaper, September 7, 1976)

“The Palestinians are beasts walking on two legs.”
– Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel 1977-82, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, Begin and the Beasts. New Statesman, 25 June 1982.

“We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves.”
– Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.

“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.”
– Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]

Israeli Kids Signing The Death Certificates Of Lebanese Kids...

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Now is the time to stop Abrahamic religious warfare

(This was submitted to the E.R. as my latest column which the editor did not publish.)

Abdul Aziz, who is a spokesman for the local Muslim community wrote a response to Andy Stunich's column criticizing the religion of Islam. Mr. Stunich has often sided with Zionists in his criticisms of Muhammad's theology carried into practice against Israelis by Hamas Palestinians. And practically every peace activist has been highly critical of George W. Bush's “born again” Evangelical Christian ideas which may have significantly contributed to our war in Iraq.

Abdul Aziz is my good friend and about as kind and thoughtful as a man can be yet I could see by his reaction then to the historical news about the roots of the Abrahamic religious tradition I told him about not long ago and by his present letter again defending Islam against critics that what I told him was ignored as if it meant nothing to the way Muslims or any Abrahamic religionists conduct themselves today.

Abdul's reaction of denial of the devastating news that completely annihilates spiritual authority in all three traditional Abrahamic religions was mirrored in another Muslim friend as well as a dear Evangelical Christian friend. All three went instantly into denial about this news effecting anything in their religious faith.

What is this historical news I'm talking about? The “news” which is actually over 4000 years old is compelling evidence that in the Old Testament's story of Abraham that sets the whole Abrahamic monotheistic traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, is actually a very strange tale where a tribal god of the Israelites demands a child sacrifice from a Hindu god who has become in a Jewish makeover the patriarch of all Jews with Muhammad making this same Hindu god into the patriarch of all Muslim believers.

Abraham is Brahma, the Hindu Vedic god of creation. Sarah, Abraham's wife in the Genesis story, is Brahma's wife, Sarasvati, the Hindu goddess of wisdom and knowledge. The historical linkage to these Hindu gods made into Hebrews shows a clear linguistic trail from India to the land of Canaan.

The short version of how the Hindu god Brahma ended up as the Hebrew patriarch Abraham is this: Somewhere between 6000 and 4000 years ago the Sarasvati river system dried up and forced a Brahmin community out of the region. The Sarasvati river gave rise to the first Hindu Vedic civilization that created the Rig Veda and Upanishads religious texts with the Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The goddess, Sarasvati, is named after this river.

While Brahma is still highly regarded throughout India there is only one temple dedicated to this deity whereas there are thousands dedicated to Vishnu and Shiva. Where did all the Brahmin temple worshipers go?

There's not enough space here to explain the full historical discovery story about how the Hindu gods Brahma and Sarasvati became the Hebrew founders Abraham and Sarah so I will direct you to my blog site that gives the details of this information. Please go to:

It is my hope that all peace activists trying to stop Abrahamic warfare will use this new historical information to confront as I have shown here every Abrahamic religious spokesperson who continues to promote false doctrines based on religious absurdities.

Never again let any Jew, Christian or Muslim tell us they have God's authority to do this or that. Help rid the world of Abrahamic religious warfare madness by refusing to support their wars. Just say No to Zionists, No to Evangelicals, No to Muslims when they ask you to support their religious wars.

If Abrahamic faithful become afraid that God has abandoned them they need to read the few places in the New Testament that show where two prophets out of the whole line of Abrahamic prophesy bearers, knew something was wrong with Abraham--John the Baptist and Jesus in the Gospel of John. So within the Johannine Christian tradition God has left an opening for Abrahamic believers to know the truth.

I am a Gnostic Christian and the Gnostic tradition too will survive this downfall of Abrahamic authority because we Gnostics have always been independent of the Jewish and Christian traditions. We Gnostics never tied our belief in God to the Old Testament stories. And revelation from God, the true God Most High, has not ended at all, but more about that in future columns and blog posts.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

In response to Fred and Rose why I am not dropping my anti-Zionist defense on Eric's blog

Fred, and others too who do not understand why I am not letting Eric get away with libeling me.

I am a dedicated anti-Zionist activist because of Israel and the fact that it is Israel which is the Primary source of America's troubles in the Middle East. Americans are dying because of Israel being supported by the U.S. I'm sorry but this is a political reality which Europeans and most of the world, and certainly over a billion Muslims will tell you.

Why doesn't it register in American conscience what Muslims have been saying all along--that Israel is their main reason for hating the U.S.

Israel has manipulated our nation into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the endless drain on our economy by our supporting Israel against Palestinians. Israel is a rogue state that continually violates U.N. resolutions. Israel practices apartheid policies that even a former U.S. president pointed out. If Israel isn't the primary cause of our troubles with Muslims then please tell us what is the primary cause?

And if Israel is the primary cause of America's grief with the Middle East and our war in Iraq, it follows that the ideology of Zionism that created Israel would be included in my anti-Zionist activism. Zionism has its root in Judaism. It is impossible to talk realistically about Zionism, Israel without including the religion of Judaism.

If I'm serious about promoting peace in the Middle East I must address the issue of Zionism which in Humboldt County is being promoted by Eric's blog. Look at the history of his topics to see this is true. He never ever promotes the Arab Muslim p.o.v. or pro-Palestinian p.o.v. but gives ample room, radio show time to promoting the Zionist position through Andy Stunich's Islamo-phobic essays, his selected postings of Jewish activists and commentators, and his allowance of vicious Jewish anonymous posters to post hate comments without censorship while censoring my anti-Zionist responses to these personal attacks.

Eric is a Zionist activist in this way. And I am an anti-Zionist activist. If Eric had not promoted the Zionist agenda here I wouldn't respond but he does promote the Zionist cause and I respond with my anti-Zionist information.

But there is also this--Eric is using the Zionist weapon of labeling people like me who criticize Zionism, Israel, and Judaism, with the smear of "anti-semitism". I am not going to allow Eric to continue to foist this libelous smear on me or anyone without protest and if necessary and possible, legal action.

Jewish advocates have been using "anti-semitism" as a means of assassinating the characters of anyone who criticizes their religion or their Zionist project of Israel for decades and are allowed to get away with it because they play on the assumed guilt of Gentile Americans for the Jewish holocaust committed by Europeans. But modern Israel cannot be placed off limits from criticism by events in Europe in WW II. Americans are dying in Iraq because of Israel's pressure on the U.S. to take out Israel's enemies.

It happens that I am both of Jewish ancestry and have many real Semitic friends who will vouch for my support. So when Eric trots out the old Jewish label of "anti-semitism" in order to attack me personally because he cannot ethically defend his Zionist position, I am not going to allow him to twist truth around. It's time someone took the issue of "anti-semitism" to court to get the media to look at the issue the way real Semitic peoples do when Jewish people and their supporters use "anti-semitism" against those who are helping Semitic peoples. Who is the real anti-Semite here between Eric and me, that's what I want to establish for truth and the right of free speech to tell the truth.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Eric's continuing censorship of my anti-Zionist posts

Eric is still playing local Zionist rotweiller protecting the Zionist turf on his blog, raising Zionist issues but blocking anti-Zionist responses from me as well as allowing Zionist anons to continue libeling me.

If Eric's blog which concentrates on raising conflict issues that guarantee local popular interest wasn't a popular source of blog information, I wouldn't care what Eric did or didn't do on his blog. But he poses as someone with ethical considerations so I hold him to his public standard.

Deleted posts:

Eric, it's still CHICKENSHIT of you to delete my responses to yours and other anons attacks on me.

And this opinion of yours is carrying Zionist paranoia to absurd lengths.

"Stephen, I'm going to sleep on whether to admit that last post. You don't seem to realize that referring to the entire Jewish religion as a "cult" is not only inaccurate, but extremely harmful."

Now why, Eric, would be labeling a paranoid religion that does not allow open entry of the public at large, has scriptures forbidding intermarriage with non-cult members, wants to create a whole nation for cult members to rule, now why Eric, can't I call this cult what it is?

Prove that it isn't a cult. Most all religions are but the ones that limit their membership by racial selection or other means meant to separate the cult from mainstream society, these by common consensus fall into the "cult" classification.

Jews have been successful in keeping their religion out of this classification by such efforts as yours, i.e., immediately libeling anyone who dares to call the Jewish religion a cult religion. But it is. It fits the definitions in most people's minds of what cults are like.

And the clincher for me, Eric, to Judaism's very cult-like m.o. is the fact that there is no difference in the morality between the leaders in Jonestown and Waco and the leaders at Masada. All three were quite willing to sacrifice their children for the Cult. That's a religious fanatical cult signature, Eric, and Masada is always held up as heroic defense of Judaism. Wake up.

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Prophesy bearer for four religious traditions, revealer of Christ's Sword, revealer of Josephine bearing the Spirit of Christ, revealer of the identity of God, revealer of the Celestial Torah astro-theological code within the Bible. Celestial Torah Christian Theologian, Climax Civilization theorist and activist, Eco-Village Organizer, Master Psychedelic Artist, Inventor of the Next Big Thing in wearable tech, and always your Prophet-At-Large.