Saturday, June 16, 2007

Jewish Thought Police in action on Eric's blog

Well, the Jewish thought police are here in Humboldt County now with one of the most popular local blogs censoring my anti-Zionist, anti-Judaism posts which criticize the ideology and the theology that has produced modern Israel.

I think I have a perfect right as an American citizen to question the political and cultural influence of Zionist Judaism that created modern Israel with its genocidal goal of destroying Palestinian society.

I have a right to have formed an opinion about who is most responsible for the continuing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and a right to express that opinion in open forums where the free expression of ideas is not a crime. Yet.

I resent that we now have evidence of undue Jewish influence exerting control over the content of one of the most popular local blogs sites and I hope other people will notice this too.

Of course I will be accused of "anti-semitism", another lie because I have more than a dozen real Semitic friends who will say otherwise so the labeling of posers equals zero.

As does the claims of Zionist Jews to the land of Canaan which are based on the gigantic fraud of the god of the Jews promising that land to a Hindu god posing as a Hebrew patriarch.

Well, no wonder Jews don't want anyone to talk about this on the most popular local blog.


Steve Lewis said...

I do screen out hate posts, libel, and slander. I don't screen out reasoned argument as Eric's blog is doing.

What's happening on Eric's blog is Thought Police in action in the "Progressive" community in Humboldt County. Just thought you'd like to know..

Steve Lewis said...

Eric's still at it. Censoring my posts exactly as if he was being coached by Zionist handlers to stop any dialog on Zionism or Israel or the religious cult that created them.

Total bigotry against Gentiles or anyone with a rightful concern about the religious state of the Jewish people his nation has supported for over 59 years in clear violation of the U.S. Constitution's mandating Separation of Church and State.

But we can't talk about this on Eric's blog, because his blog is too popular for local Jewish interests to let it be used as a platform for discussing Zionism or Israel--i.e., gain control of the media--and anyone wonders why conspiracy theories abound around this particular paranoid religious cult?

Steve Lewis said...

While censoring my response posts
Eric continues his character assassination of me. Here's his latest smear:

"The KMUD rumor, the Steven Lewis posts, and the Nick Bravo posts were collectively the deciding factor, although I've given thought to this for some time. Some of the more thoughtful voices have been pulling away because of the immaturity of a handful of posters. Believe it or not, I read my blog regularly, and the caliber of discourse has declined with time. I'm trying to rectify that."

What Eric is trying to do is stop me from questioning Israel and Zionism on his blog. What Eric is trying to do is dodge any responsibility for his own behavior joining in with the worst slanderers I've ever encountered on any discussion forum or blog site.

Eric lets his Zionist anons attack me and these really low-life people do not hesitate to use the most vile threats and sickest slanders to be seen locally, yet here Eric is trying to place himself above it all as if his own hands were clean of involvement with the same ugly political attacks Zionists are doing to anyone who publicly challenges the morality of Zionism or Israel.

When Eric runs for public office, and he will-don't be fooled by this Prog politician trained to say anything if he thinks it will win his case. Popularity rests on the common denominator which all too easily gets fooled by slick rhetoric from slicker people manipulators.

Anonymous said...

Eric certainly is devious enough to be a politician.

Steve Lewis said...

Latest Steve Lewis comment deleted from Eric's blog:

Eric deletes my posts whether they contain any references to Zionism or not.

Eric poses as standing for liberal values but when he thinks he can't win the blog comment argument he will delete your superior argument post.

Yes, I do have my causes, my focus of activism, e.g anti-Zionism. That's because there is historical news I've discovered that obliterates any spiritual authority for any of the traditional Abrahamic religions.

This means Zionist Judaism has no historic religious foundation. And neither does Evangelical Christianity or Muhammad's Islam. We don't have to put up with their shit anymore. We can stop them from killing people. We can stop deaths.

And that's why I am trying to get this new information out where people are talking about current events, e.g. Eric's blog that is always focused on current events unlike mine or say Rose's which are specific issue oriented.

But Zionists control this blog. Eric does not want to offend them and does their work of blocking any community discussion of Zionism, Israel, or the religion that produced these moral aberrations. Zionists think we Americans have to be punished forever for European acts of hatred against Jews even though there has never been any American pogroms against Jews and Jews are prominent and active in most American enterprises and government office.

Actually, it has always struck me as a little weird why Eric is so adamantly pro-Zionist when the usual Leftist line is like my own--very anti-Zionist. But it is in keeping with the also strange phenomena of no public Leftist anti-Zionist voices in Humboldt County.

Of course, with my obvious Jewish Conspiracy paranoid mindset that sees undue Jewish influence just about everywhere I chalk this up to the fact that there are so many Jewish activists here in the leadership and ranks of most all local Progressive and environmental activist organizations.

Would be nice to be able to talk freely about these things instead of them being hushed up so that people like me become convinced there really a Zionist conspiracy to protect the Cult at all times.

Why can't I talk about these things here when Eric has allowed Andy Stunich so much free reign to trash Islam and Palestinians? Why can't I give reasons why no one who is ethically conscious should support a state that was imposed on Palestinians by a completely crooked process? Why can't we talk about how messed up Zionism has made of American credibility throughout the world now, how this Jewish secular ideology has America at war, hot war and cold, with over a billion Muslims?

I cannot stand someone who poses as championing ethical values and free speech who, when confronted by logical arguments against his position immediately turns around and acts just like any pol in office with something to hide-- cutting off public debate and public scrutiny wherever they can.

And I cannot stand someone who cannot defend his position morally resorting like so many Zionists to character assassination attempts against anyone who dares criticize the ideology of the self-Chosen Ones who's god cannot tell the difference between Hindu gods and Hebrew men.

Anonymous said...

Eric's wife is Zionist and Jewish. That has a lot to do with his intellectual corruption on the issue.

Steve Lewis said...

Latest comment deleted by Eric.

My response to-

"Stephen, you're a smart guy- why don't you offer us some insight on something, instead of this incessant arguement..."

Anon 10:26, I know what I'm doing. I have information now that needs to be in the hands of every peace activist in the world who is dealing with wars being fought by Abrahamic religionists which is most all of them now that the Commies are second-rate revolutionaries these days.

Because this information strikes at the foundational story of Abraham it necessarily strikes at the foundation of Judaism and therefore Zionism and modern Israel. The same is true for Islam for the meaning of the word "islam" is "sacrifice to God" which is taken from Abraham's example of "righteousness" in willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac, (or Ishmael-if your Muslim believers in Muhammad's version of the story of Abraham), in order to obey God.

And we can't talk about this? Why on earth not? We are not under the Church's thumb any more, haven't been for over 300 years and we certainly should not be under any Jewish religious thumb either trying to control what we think and discuss among ourselves.

I want to talk about this new stuff because I am a peace activist and this is God-given dynamite to blow the whole Abrahamic power trips to kingdom come.

I know this info was placed in my hands vs. atheist scholars with credentials to influence because God's counter-balanced the bad news for Abrahamics with the good news that God is alive and well and already started the line of post-Abrahamic prophesy bearers 28 years ago in preparation for the inevitable downfall of spiritual authority in all three traditional Abrahamic religions.

Amazing stuff and all I can do is get a hint of it here and there on this popular blog and pressure Eric to open up Zionism and Israel to as free a discussion as he did for Andy Stunich and his voluminous posts against the religion of Islam and Palestinians.

If real people were not dying probably at this very minute somewhere on earth because some Abrahamic religious fanatic thought he was killing for God, I wouldn't be here. But I am a religious fanatic myself if you haven't noticed and I'm on a mission from God to help bring peace into the world. So, short of a court order I believe I have the right to try to post comments on any blog on the Internet including Eric's. He has the right to block my posts too. The only thing going in my favor here is Eric's public image of fair play and the contradictions in that image caused by his dealing with me over Zionism.

Rose said...

Forget Eric.

Steve Lewis said...

I just posted this on Eric's new Zionist topic which I am probably excluded from participating in. Let's see if Eric deletes my comment. Here it is:

A religion based on spiritual lies can only foster mental illness in its believers.

But we are not allowed by the Zionist censor here to talk honestly about how Zionism got its inherent insanity.

This topic and the way Eric is handling it really sucks.

Eric, by posting this topic and then censoring me or one must assume any anti-Zionist commenters, you become a local poster boy for Zionist control of popular media which now include blogs.

And you the professional arguer, why don't you have the balls to debate me? Huh? Why are you afraid to debate Steve Lewis?

Steve Lewis said...

Latest deletion of my comment by Eric on Eric's Zionism topic.

Eric's "discussion" of Zionism is a complete fraud. It's just like the Warren Commission or 9-11 "Official" investigation, i.e., it's staged propaganda and a cover-up.

I challenged Eric to debate me without rigging the game in advance and this is how he responds. Eric, the professional arguer, is afraid to debate Steve Lewis.

For those wishing to see how I respond to this rigged discussion of Eric's, please go to my blog site at

Anti-Zionists cannot post here on Eric's Zionism topic but Zionists and their publicists like Andy Stunich can continue to bash Islam and Palestinians without giving any indication of awareness of the problems of Zionist Israel.

I found it amusing to see Andy's column in the E.R. complaining about people mistaking his attacks on Muslims for hatred of all Muslims. Wake up and smell the "anti-semitic" roses, Andy! What goes around, comes around.

Steve Lewis said...

Latest comment deleted on Eric's blog-

Zionism is morally indefensible and that is why Zionists have to resort to dirty tricks to sell this Jewish dream that kills Gentiles in the way and attempts to destroy the names and reputations of any anti-Zionist critics.

Steve Lewis said...

Latest deletion from
Eric's Zionist discussion.

Zionist ethics in action:

"Let them tremble, let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a wild country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go crazy if one of our children is murdered, just one! If anyone even raises his hand against us we'll take away half his land and burn the other half, including the oil. We might use nuclear arms.....
Even today I am willing to volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us.... And I don't mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal.
What you don't understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it." - Ariel Sharon, interview with Amos Oz, Davar 17 December 1982.

"When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." -Raphael Eitan (Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces, quoted in the New York Times, 14 April 1983)

Steve Lewis said...

More lying from Eric as he continues to delete my posts:

"Anti-Zionists are welcome to post here. (HA!) I have allowed one of Stephen's posts. The others are inflammatory, and off topic. Of course, Stephen has not even read the materials to which I linked, so he is incapable of addressing the actual topic of the thread."

(my comment)

Read "inflammatory" and "off topic" as giving historical and religious reasons why Zionism is morally indefensible.

Steve Lewis said...

Eric's been forced by me to save what little face he can by creating a topic just for me on his blog.

But check out his intro for "my" topic and then read this piece of slime he posted today in response to a couple of favorable comments.

"I read this thread without any ill effect. Stephen's views are unorthodox but hardly too upsetting for a well-educated adult to handle.

Sure thing. I mean, no well-educated adult should be too upset by Mein Kampf nor The Turner Diaries either. But not everybody wants to be subjected to it, day in and day out."

Why doesn't Eric just say I'm the reincarnation of Hitler out to personally genocide every Jew in the world and be done with it?

Anonymous said...

Eric Kirk is going to run for office? Damn, I thought his pathetic radio show on KMUD was bad enough. Kirk is not a progressive. Listen to his radio show. He's a middle-of-the-road Democrat who spends more time attacking the left-wing than the right-wing. He'll fit in fine with the Humboldt Democratic Central Committee who are terrified of real progressives.

Stephen, even though you are by no means a progressive, maybe you should consider running for the Humboldt Democratic Central Committee in the June 2008 election as a 9/11 Truth candidate. All it takes is 20 signatures to get on the ballot. Call Humboldt County Elections for more info.

The HCDCC is extremely concerned that grassroots Democrats are going to take control of the local party apparatus. Give them something to worry about. It'll be fun to watch them squirm.

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Prophesy bearer for four religious traditions, revealer of Christ's Sword, revealer of Josephine bearing the Spirit of Christ, revealer of the identity of God, revealer of the Celestial Torah astro-theological code within the Bible. Celestial Torah Christian Theologian, Climax Civilization theorist and activist, Eco-Village Organizer, Master Psychedelic Artist, Inventor of the Next Big Thing in wearable tech, and always your Prophet-At-Large.