June 3rd Update:
Good News from the Tent of Nation! The Supreme Court of
Israel has granted Daoud Nassar, and the Tent of Nations, acceptance of
their appeal to deny the order to demolish the structures on the farm.
It’s a victory for justice and peace! The military authority has 60
days in which to respond. So for now, the wonderful activities of the
farm will continue on in its mission to build a better future for all
people of the region. On behalf of Friends of Tent of Nations North
America, we thank you for your efforts to alert your friends, government
representatives and a world of people like yourself. The engagement is
not over. We must continue to expand our circle.
June 1st Update:
Dear Friends of Tent of Nations all over the world,
Two hours ago, I received a phone call from
our Lawyers Mr. Sani Khoury and Mr. Jonathan Kuttab. they received a
Fax from the Israeli Military Authority says that our Appeal against
the demolishing orders of our renovations has been refused . They wanted
to come today to demolish the renovations, but they gave us ” because
of their generosity” another five days time, before coming to demolish
those renovations. What can we do with five days time?!
At this moment, we have two options: the
first one is to accept the situation as it is and just wait for the
Israeli Military to come and destroy the place OR to continue the legal
battle by bringing this case in front of the Supreme Court in Israel
might rule to freeze the demolishing orders until
it takes a decision. Usually court cases like this will take a year or
two, if the Supreme Court decides to freeze the demolishing orders.
Bringing this case to the Supreme Court will cost us a lot of money and this will increase our financial burden.
We are defending our land from being
confiscated for more than twenty years, we paid a lot for legal
BUT without getting tired.
We are people who believe in Justice, we
will continue our just struggle and will bring this case in front of the
Israeli Supreme Court challenging the injustice we are facing. In the
meanwhile we ask you to keep us in your prayers, to keep writing
advocacy letters and to inform as many people as you can about our
I am sure that our efforts together will make a difference. Thank you so much for this support and solidarity.
“But those who wait on the LORD, shall
renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they
shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah
Please find below the letter I received today from our Lawyer Mr. Sani Khoury.
Blessings and Salaam,
Dear Mr. Nassar,
I would like to inform you that we received
today a formal response from the Military Authorities denies our appeal
against the demolition orders against the renovations that took place on
your land. According to the Military Authorities they have decided to
reject your appeal in light of the fact that your previous appeals
against the demolition orders were rejected. As you are aware all of
your previous requests to obtain a license were rejected using the
excuse that "there is no current zoning plan in your area". Zoning plans
are submitted by the authorities themselves. In your case the
authorities did not conclude any zoning plans for your area - indeed
they stopped all zoning plans when it became clear that the Supreme
Court would not confirm the confiscation of your land. When your land
was being confiscated and given to the Newe Daniel settlement plans to
build hundreds of building units were being set in place by the
authorities themselves.
When the confiscation was suspended and it
became clear the land would not be given to the settlement, the zoning
plans suddenly changed. In light of this fact you cannot under
any circumstances obtain any license for any structure, building or
You have been given a "grace period" of five days before the demolition takes place.
The only action that can stop this is an
injunction by the Supreme Court of Israel, which may or may not grant
such an injunction under the circumstances.
Daoud Nassar
Tent of Nations
-People Building Bridges-
P.O.Box 28
Bethlehem - Palestine
Tel: +972 (0)2-274 3071
Fax: +972(0)2-276 7446
Mobile: +972(0)522 975 985
May 30 Update:
We talked to Daoud by phone this morning. All is quiet on the
farm today. Daoud and his family are also surrounded by 10
international volunteers who live on the land. The family has been
overwhelmed by the positive support of not only us in the U.S but also
others throughout the world. Monday will be a critical day when the
courts open and the lawyer for Daoud can verify that the appeal has been
heard. We will update this website late on Monday. Thanks for your
interest and support for Tent of Nations and the Nassar family.
Dear Friends of Tent of Nations,
The Nassar Family Farm/Tent of Nations Project is in
immediate jeopardy because
of actions taken by Israeli authorities on Thursday afternoon, May 27,
when two officers from the Israeli Civil Administration, guarded by
Israeli soldiers, came to the farm and gave the family
nine demolition orders for structures built without a permit from the Israeli Military Authority during the last two years. The orders are
set for execution this Sunday, May 30. The Nassars’s attorney has initiated emergency legal action to stave off disaster.
We are asking you to be prepared to take every possible action, if
conditions worsen, demanding that the orders not be executed. In the
meantime, please
sign this petition
with your phone and email and forward this E-mail to your friends
asking that they do likewise. We will post updates at the website
Thank you for your solidarity.
Steering Committee
Friends of Tent of Nations North America.
Further Background:
The Nassar Family Farm/Tent of Nations
Project just south of Bethlehem has a long history of modeling peaceful
co-existence with its neighbors through teaching courses and providing
workshops and conferences for women and youth. It also provides
opportunities for internationals, Israelis and Palestinians to unite in
solidarity around a common dream of a just peace. (
www.tentofnations.org) The Project has always provided a safe haven for those who are committed to justice, and we want it to continue to do so.
The pending Israeli Military demolition
orders are for tents, animal shelters, metal roofs on both old houses,
the restroom shelters, a water cistern, a one-room trailer and two
underground renovated cave structures. While one officer wrote the
demolition orders on Thursday, the other photographed the structures.
Israeli soldiers accompanied them and pointed their guns on the family
and volunteers.
The Nassar family has only three days to
file objections to those orders which is more difficult because Friday
and Saturday are holidays for the Israelis. Daoud has contacted his
lawyer, and he will write an opposition to the orders, and send it to
the military court on Sunday morning. The family hopes to get a court
order on Sunday morning to stop the demolition action.
Stop the Nassar Family Farm/Tent of Nations Demolition
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White House comment line (real person answers) - Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 202-456-1111;
White House fax: 202-456-2461
Capital Switchboard - 202-224-3121 and ask for Senator or Congress person by name
State Dept. - Secretary of State - try email:
secretary@state.gov; if not work go to
Israeli Embassy:
About the Embassy of Israel
The Embassy of Israel in Washington DC is
Israel’s largest embassy in the world. As the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in Israel formulates, implements and presents foreign policy of
the Israeli government, the Embassy works to present those policies to
the United States government. Thereby the Embassy acts as a liaison to
strengthen the ties between the two governments and increase diplomatic
The Embassy of Israel has many departments
that work together with specific aspects of the US government.
Departments in the Embassy of Israel
Ambassador of Israel to The United States
His Excellency Ambassador Michael Oren
Deputy Chief of Mission
Mr. Dan Arbell
Fax: (202) 364-5560
Defense and Armed Forces Attaché
Major General Gadi Shamni
Tel: (202) 364-5403
Fax: (202) 364-5503
Political Department
Oded Joseph - Minister - Counselor for Middle Eastern Affairs
Nissan Amdur - Minister - Counselor for Political Affairs
Oren Anolik - Counselor for Political Affairs
Tel: (202)364-5581/2
Fax: (202)364-5490
Public Affairs
NOAM KATZ - Minister-Public Diplomacy
Tel: (202) 364-5542
Fax: (202) 364-5423
Galit Baram -Counselor for Public and Academic Affairs
Congressional Affairs
Daniel Meron - Minister for Congressional Affairs
Aviv Ezra - Counselor for Congressional Affairs
Tel:(202) 364-5568
Fax: (202)364-5490
Press Department
Jonathan Peled - Minister - Counselor Spokesman
Tel: (202) 364-5538
Fax: (202) 364-5610
Economic Affairs
Asaf Vitman - Minister for Economic Affairs
Tel: (202) 364-5691/2
Fax: (202) 364-5647
Commercial Affairs
http://www.israelemb.org/bios/Ohad_Cohen.htmOhad Cohen - Commercial Attache
Tel.: (202) 364-5695
Fax: (202) 364-5647
Agriculture & Scientific Affairs
Mr. Zvi Herman - Minister for Agriculture and Scientific Affairs
Science & Technology Affairs
Tel: (202) 364-5641
Fax: (202) 364-5643
Foreign Defense Assistance & Exports (SIBAT)
Gideon Meretz - Minister - Counselor
Tel: (202) 364-5608
Fax: (202) 364-5491
Police Liaison Office
Efi Tibi - Brigadier General Attache & Liaisson Officer to U.S.and Canada
Tel: (202) 364-5672
Fax: (202) 364-5404
Tent of Nations is the Palestinian peace activist organization that was to become the next Keeper of Paxcalibur, Sword of Peace, but I've held back moving Pax from it's present Keeper, the head Catholic priest of Nazareth, Israel, just because of this sort of potential violence at Tent of Nations where Israel wants their land and is willing to do anything to get it. Tent of Nations is pure honest Goodness and for Israel to attack such people only shows what a hideous farce of a moral nation, the "Light unto the Gentiles", Judaism has produced.